• 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • In the link comment I provided I did state it was a far off miracle. But, my focus was less on 3rd parties or electoral reform, it was directly related to the “National Committees” that exists. I’m all for state parties, reminds me of when Bell was split into it’s different areas. But on a national level I wonder if it can be argued that it’s so far removed from focusing on “political ideologies of it’s group” to becoming a service provider for selected candidates. You could look at the committee’s structures, are they even following their own political ideologies, what type of controlling power they have, etc etc.

  • This question was less about electoral practices are more about a single entity controlling the national level of it’s party. I feel the function of these at a national level, can be argued as an organization/company which controls the market for their party. What “political party” protections are there and what distinguishes them from any other organization that could be regulated by the anti-competitive laws. I feel they are political in name only, and can truly be academically and legally viewed as a business (which supports mainly political clients).

  • Looking at an entire political spectrum and there being only a Duopoly is heart breaking. But I meant more like each one is a true “business monopoly” for it’s own perspective market/party. Controlling exposure, funding, data, candidate selection, being generally a lobbying middleman group, at what point does this become less a “political ideological group” and more a business organization that focuses heavily on political candidates? (like a sign manufacturer is technically making political content, but they’re still just a business, they’re both providing a service or product to individuals).

    This is not so much a focus on political parties or ideologies, but more the NC (national committee) portion of it. I understand state political parties. But when expanded to the national committee’s of those parties, how are those organizations not considered a monopoly for their parties centralizing and controlling the state level and have completely overtaken national decisions which can effect the state level as well.

  • I definitely wouldn’t suggest that people need to run out with friends and drink copious amounts of alcohol. A night at the bar can be fun, but keeping that as an activity that a friend group commits to repeatedly isn’t a healthy setting (for instance alcoholism effects 10% of the population).

    That being said, there are a lot of constructive uses with alcoholic beverages such as cooking and really unique flavor profiles. Some of the mixtures that are 90%+ non-alcoholic have interesting tastes that you just can’t recreate without the alcohol changing subtle differences in what’s present. Definitely respect your choice not to drink though, just throwing this out there as a healthier alternative than binge drinking for those who do want to try.

  • NNOO!!! Matrix was a documentary though!! /s But seriously though, if I were Keanu I would steer really wide and far from anything like this because of the semi-cult following he got from the movies. There was borderline problems with people conflicting the metaphors of the movie to actually say it’s reality and we are trapped. Like it’s a cool hypothesis and explains some things easily like religion, but takes all the fun out of actually researching or discovering something universe shattering like that.

  • Well of course you’re not going to see anything negative on a show recorded and produced by the person you’re talking about. Historical sites aren’t just about the infrastructure/items, it’s about honoring the memories and past lives/accomplishments of our ancestors. In regards to the “snake” banning, that site already was embarrassed by a previous recording of ancient aliens, and historical sites have learned not to let organizations and promoters take over and misrepresent the cause and importance of those sites. From my understand they don’t even let in people like NPR, they are there as an educational resource and not to be hijacked as proof for a theory they don’t represent.

    Now if it was an actual scientist working on a scientific research paper? Sure, be outraged. A guy trying to film a show looking for evidence to prove a hypothesis? (not how the scientific method works) Completely delusional to get upset about it.

  • huh, this is the first time I’ve ran across this idea on here. I mean, it would be fucking crazy and to pull it off would take a miracle of a life time… but I think this has merit.

    You could file this under Anti-trust/monopoly competition law.

    Competition law is the field of law that promotes or seeks to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies. In economics, competition is a scenario where different economic firms[Note 1] are in contention to obtain goods that are limited by varying the elements of the marketing mix: price, product, promotion and place. In classical economic thought, competition causes commercial firms to develop new products, services and technologies, which would give consumers greater selection and better products.

    This is largely how both the DNC and RNC are defined

    According to Boris Heersink, “political scientists have traditionally described the parties’ national committees as inconsequential but impartial service providers.”

    So if you look at both the RNC and DNC as an organization or company that provides a service (which they’ve argued themselves in court, that they’re not a true democratic function), you could consider them a national monopoly on a service provided to political prospects (think ticketmaster-livenation). If you break up the national level to only have individual organizations in states that aren’t allowed to unlawfully co-operate with eachother, you would have better chances of people getting their state representatives to actuallly listen to their constituents.

    National elections would become like an All-Star Jam or the Olympics basketball team. It would be much the same players but having to form their own services eliminating the “political pipeline” that the DNC/RNC currently has a market on, on a national level. Which, the overwhelming power they have, trickles down into state elections with vast resources and political sway disrupting a democratic process.

    You could do all of this in a courtroom, no legislation required to be passed for enforcement. I have faith in each side having enough disgruntled members and judges tired of playing politics that you might get some headway.

  • I’ll just throw mine in to help confirm some of the general consensus coming from the states. Before 9/11, nothing really. A few brief mentions in history class etc, our education is horrible about human history but shoves American history down your throat. During the wars? Absolutely fucking horrific that any country is just allowed to attack an area like that. Every time I heard about some new operation I thought about how my family (if they were in that situation) would be huddle in the corner of a room just hoping to survive the night. Something that would make me want to lash out at anything because of the danger to my family, I never got why ANYONE thought this would “stop the terrorizing” by making more radicalized citizens.

    After and currently, I’m completely blown away by the historical and cultural context of Iraq. In school there was never an emphasis on how important that country was to the civilization that we have now. Every documentary or book I read that touches on ancient history includes that area. I think if it was better taught in schools, the general consensus would’ve been more honorable towards finding a solution that worked for both countries.

  • Idk, our crops can’t survive extreme heat and drought but certainly there is life in a desert. The ol’ Carlin bit of the world will be just fine and all. But, you have to consider the fact that we have always migrated in the past during extreme climate changes and will have to do so in the future if it continues. There is plenty of places like Canada where the climate change will boost some sectors. Same with the fact Antarctica used to be tropical, we’ll just huddle around the proverbial fires of our community wherever they need to go to survive.