• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Omg it’s sooo daammmn slooow it takes around 30 seconds to bulk - insert 15000 rows

    Do you have any measurements on how long it takes when you just ‘do it raw’? Like trying to do the same insert though SQL Server Management Studio or something?

    Because to me it’s not really clear what’s slow. Like you’re complaining specifically about the Microsoft ODBC driver - but do you base that on anything? Can you insert faster from Linux or through other means?

    Like if it’s just ‘always slow’ it might just be the SQL Server. If you can better pinpoint when it’s slow, and when it’s fast(er) that probably helps to tell how to speed it up

  • When I stopped, subversion was what we used. I’m trying to understand Git, but it’s a giant conceptual leap.

    It’s probably not ‘that much of a leap’ as you imagine. If you’re looking at Git tutorials, they’re usually covering all kinda complex scenarios of how to ‘properly use Git’. But a lot of people barely care about ‘properly using Git’ and they just kinda use it as a substitute for SVN… You create branches, you merge them back and forth, and that’s about it.

    Like if you want to contribute to an open source project, all you have to do is create a fork (your own branch in SVN terms) - commit some stuff to it, and create a pull request (request to have your changes merged) back to the original branch. git pull is just svn update - getting someone elses commits

    Not saying there aren’t more complex features in git, or that learning git properly isn’t worth it, just saying, I don’t think you have to see it as a ‘giant conceptual leap’ that’s preventing you from jumping back into programming. Easiest approach just to get started would be probably to just download a GUI like Sourcetree or Fork, and you just kinda pretend you’re still using SVN - approach wise

  • Interesting idea to store github comments inside git, the article just isn’t very clear to me on how to actually do it.

    He’s talking about using an “internal CLI tool” so I guess it’s not a public tool?

    But anyways, this kinda sounds like something you could do though a Github Action right? Like if a PR is merged, run an action that also appends PR comments or other meta-data from github into git

  • I’m always privating my repos because I’m not sure if I’m doing some horrible beginner inefficiency/bad practice where I should be embarrassed for having written it, let alone for letting other people see it.

    Well that’s something not to do. Make you “horrible code” public, and ask people to do a code review. Or see what contributors want to change through a PR (if you’re so lucky). You’re not going to learn anything from others by hiding your mistakes. And no one besides you really cares if you’re committing horrible code.

    It’s pretty hard to just give generic advice on how to write clean code, but if people can just tell specifically what you can improve it’s much easier

  • Hmm, well the first round(s) are doable for beginners. If you want to get into programming, these kinda games are a good way to start, since you’re getting visual feedback of what your bot is actually doing.

    And you can participate in loads of languages, so you can pick anything that you’re somewhat familiar with.

    However, once you’re getting into higher rounds, ranks, and leagues, you’ll be playing against other peoples’ bots. So obviously if you have 0 experience it’ll be way harder to beat people with loads of experience, that understand which algorithms are suitable etc.

    But I’d say go ahead and try it out. Its free. Maybe it turns out to be too difficult, maybe you’ll manage.