• 79 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Yeah, got the diagnosis at age 20. It was a huge relief and help to be able to better understand myself, and better explain to others why some things are more difficult to me than most people for no obvious reason 🙂

    My best friend got the diagnosis at your age 3 years ago and it’s helped him a lot too! I hope it will for you as well, whether yours turns out tp be ADHD too or something else 🙂

  • Yeah, you’re probably right about that. Getting personally offended and worked up by whatever imprecise to false statements I read, including ones with no malice intended, IS a thing I’m trying to do less.

    I grew up with undiagnosed ADHD, so not being understood or people not making an effort to understand and make themselves understood is a major trigger for me because it used to happen so much to me and I’ve had to work so hard to get better at it.

    That’s mostly a ME issue that I need to be better at taking down several notches, though. Thanks for pointing it out in a good way rather than wielding it like a cudgel that I would then overreact to as well 😄❤️

  • Same here. There’s probably other ways too, but personally I’d probably have gone with “and we’re okay with that” or “and that’s fine/okay with us”. Just flows more like naturally IMO.

    BTW, in spite of the tongue in cheek way in which I said it, I meant no personal ill will towards you. Just the rule and its tyranny 😉

  • I like to be thorough and exact when refuting misinformation. The point by point format helps me organize my thoughts better and also makes it more clear to the reader what exactly I’m talking about.

    That you see this and think LLM says more about your own sloppiness than it does about my format choices and tendency towards verbosity.

    When I have something important to say, I choose my words and format differently than for jokes or casual conversation.

    If I don’t, I end up having to take much LONGER over several comments to clarify when someone inevitably misunderstands due to my being too vague.

  • For someone mad about me ‘jumping to conclusions’ you sure made a whole lot of assumptions about me that aren’t really true.

    Which ones specifically? I did you the courtesy of being specific about how and where you were wrong about me. If you’re gonna go “no you!”, it would behoove you to do the same rather than being as vague as a teenager posting on Facebook on a bad day.

    Whether my rant was directed at you, or one of the handful of other Jill Stein nutjobs

    I specifically informed you that I don’t consider any of the third party candidates viable and have not said anything to the contrary to indicate that I support Stein in any way. I don’t, for the record.

    I’m not interested in getting to a debate with you about this.

    Because you don’t have any counterarguments. You just lie, misrepresent, and demand that everyone believes you. Which seems to be working in this case since it’s taking place in a pro-DNC echo chamber almost half as tribalist as the fascist ones.

    I’ve said my piece.

    Now I have too. Have the day you deserve.

  • If you guys

    I’m not one of “those guys” advocating specific 3rd party candidates. Sadly, none of the current choices are viable.

    I’m just pointing out your overreaction, which is just as much of a distraction from the REAL issues you pretend to care about.

    actually cared to solve the issues

    Yeah, because mentioning 3rd parties means that you don’t care about anything else at all. What a galaxy brained take 🙄

    campaigning to to first and foremost get electoral reform to make third parties even remotely viable instead of trying to work within this extremely broken, barely democratic system.

    That’s exactly what I’m doing, depending on how wide your definition of “campaigning” is. Just because I correct your hysteria doesn’t mean that you have to create a strawman of me that totes loves Jill Stein or whatever 🙄

    You’d also be doing work at a local politics where real change can be made

    In my case, “local” is part of Denmark, a country with a much better election system. Doesn’t mean that I can’t have knowledge and opinions about US politics and the kinds of absolutist “us or them” language that bears some of the responsibility for the duopoly surviving in spite of what the vast majority of the population wants.

    Also, just FYI: assuming that everyone is able to be active in local politics beyond online discussions reeks of privilege and ableism.

    rather than just throwing a candidate out for president every election

    Again lumping me in with a group to which I don’t belong.

    You won’t do that though because you’re all a bunch of weird idealists with fantastical views of how politics work

    Aaand again. Are you going for some kind of record in strawmen and jumping to conclusions? Because if so, you’re doing an excellent job so far.

    I’m interested in following news thats grounded in reality

    Me too. I’m also interested in discussing the news using language grounded in reality, rather than weird hyperbole making a small minority out to be a dominant force and tormentor ruining everything.