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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Right-wingers reach for these religious or moralistic justifications and laws, but Putin is probably just noticing, like many other countries, that their economy is screwed if their birth rates continue to decline. And yet the planet is screwed if we continue to increase. As climate change eats away at the habitable areas of the planet, the obvious thing is for habitable countries with declining birth rates to accept many immigrants from places climate causes people to flee from. This will help those people and help the receiving country’s economy. Unfortunately the right wing is also too wrapped up in xenophobia to accept this solution. They’d rather double down on controlling women.

  • Aside from being “literally demonic,” Wallnau has claimed that Harris only beat Trump in the debate earlier this month because of “witchcraft.”

    “When I say ‘witchcraft’,” he tweeted, “I am talking about what happened tonight. Occult empowered deception, manipulation and domination. That’s what ABC pulled off as moderators, and Kamala’s script handlers set up the kill box. One sided questions and fact checking sealed the box. Witchcraft. It’s not over yet, but something supernatural needs to disrupt this counterfeit momentum because the same public that voted in Obama is voting again and her deception is advancing.”

    He has also repeatedly called Harris a Jezebel and accused her of having a “Jezebel spirit” — which, in addition to being a feminist website, a mediocre Bette Davis movie, and a lady from the Bible who is supposed to be especially evil but does not appear to have done anything more disturbing than the “good guys” of the Bible did (including God) apart from the fact that she did them while being a woman and having a different religion, has also long been used as a slur against Black women.

    This is who the Republicans align with. In 2024, as humanity faces its greatest crisis ever in climate change, these people drag us back into arguments over whether Black women are witches or demons.

    Notice how he calls fact checking “occult empowered deception, manipulation and domination.” That’s what he sees when someone checks facts. And his godly answer to that is… Donald Trump. That’s just as nuts as anything he can say about demons.

    And who’s the one on the side of the occult when he says, “something supernatural needs to disrupt this counterfeit momentum because the same public that voted in Obama is voting again”? He admits that the public support Harris, so calls for supernatural intervention against democracy. This is the value system of modern Republicans, dressed up as religion. In the end it’s just “men like me get to control everyone else.” No surprise that these people say man was created in God’s image, when their God just happens to agree in every way with their nasty men.

  • It gets worse:

    Instead of seeking expert advice on how to retrieve the weapon, one officer decided to activate the emergency shutdown button.

    “This action caused the MRI’s magnet to rapidly lose superconductivity, leading to the evaporation of approximately 2,000 liters of helium gas and resulting in extensive damage to the MRI machine,” the suit said.

    The officer then retrieved his gun, but left a magazine full of bullets on the floor of the MRI office, the suit says.

  • Many of our home customers’ feedback indicated a preference for the certainty provided by an annual plan. The annual plan offers assurance that you always have access to the latest version with innovations such as improvements we’ve made in compression speeds and algorithms. It also ensures you have access to critical updates and are protected against new threats and risks.

    I think they made that up. I highly doubt their customers expressed any such preference.