You found a lot of the same stuff as me! I appreciate the reddit links!
You found a lot of the same stuff as me! I appreciate the reddit links!
Roll? Or is this some kind of lie I’m not Khajiit enough to understand?
These are a bit of a stretch…
Joe Vs. the Volcano
16TB btrfs (+ECC RAM) on Debian 12.
Those are two non-fiction books about American politics. Very different from Innworld…
Really enjoying this series, too. (wanderinginn.com) Amazing amount of output from the author, and while there’s no way you can enjoy every plot thread (I just don’t care for Flos), it’s amazing how often I get excited when a new chapter starts from a new perspective.
Personally, I’m also working on “When the Clock Broke” https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/195790601-when-the-clock-broke and “This America of Ours” https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58311951-this-america-of-ours
Both are interesting reads, but “America” is definitely largely lighter material …(wild, given it’s about McCarthy-era politics)
Buckaroo Banzai will forever live near the top of my list…
I think you’re thinking of Roy Cohen:
“He has since grown up into a very hansom man who runs Azure which sucks.”
Thanks for this. Really brightened my day.
Knowledge Fight - Analysis of Alex Jones and his fucked up world
God Awful Movies - Let’s watch bad religious movies and talk shit about them
Behind the Bastards - Details about evil fuckers in history (and the present)
If Books Could Kill - let’s read shitty airport books and talk about them
Qanon Anonymous (QAA now?) - The Qanon conspiracy world is fucking wild. Best keep track of it.
Others more sporadically.
Blood for the blood god?
Don’t be bringing brass instruments into this…
I do have one, yes. I’m not currently using it, but if I recall it is basically vanilla OSMC, yes.
The Vero V isn’t too bad: https://osmc.tv/vero/ The hardware is decent, and the remote is surprisingly better than I expected.
It’s the suffix that hits hardest:
… it’s not as shit as other people so I don’t have the right.
~at least that’s what my friend that I’m asking for definitely said~
Where does “Good enough” fit on the scale? Asking for a friend…
I think they’re using this style: https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/what-does-eat-hot-chip-and-lie-mean-the-viral-copypasta-and-meme-explained
I don’t think I have any great answers for you, but I have two thoughts:
That reads like it’s hanging trying mount a swap volume. Did any hardware change recently? Particularly like hard drive layout or something?
Well that was a weird story…