"Buy Me A Coffee"

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月13日

  • Yes it would. In my case though I know all of the users that should have remote access snd I’m more concerned about unauthorized access than ease of use.

    If I wanted to host a website for the general public to use though, I’d buy a VPS and host it there. Then use SSH with private key authentication for remote management. This way, again, if someone hacks that server they can’t get access to my home lan.

  • Their setup sounds similar to mine. But no, only a single service is exposed to the internet: wireguard.

    The idea is that you can have any number of servers running on your lan, etc… but in order to access them remotely you first need to VPN into your home network. This way the only thing you need to worry about security wise is wireguard. If there’s a security hole / vulnerability in one of the services you’re running on your network or in nginx, etc… attackers would still need to get past wireguard first before they could access your network.

    But here is exactly what I’ve done:

    1. Bought a domain so that I don’t have to remember my IP address.
    2. Setup DDNS so that the A record for my domain always points to my home ip.
    3. Run a wireguard server on my lan.
    4. Port forwarded the wireguard port to the wireguard server.
    5. Created client configs for all remote devices that should have access to my lan.

    Now I can just turn on my phone’s VPN whenever I need to access any one of the services that would normally only be accessible from home.

    P.s. there’s additional steps I did to ensure that the masquerade of the VPN was disabled, that all VPN clients use my pihole, and that I can still get decent internet speeds while on the VPN. But that’s slightly beyond the original ask here.

  • Correct. As I can only provide links to posts that are on your selected home instance. Eventually I’ll change this but you’ll get a 404 page for links that aren’t on your home instance, but see my P.S. below.

    P.s. there have been changes to the Lemmy API that have prevented me from getting updates for about a month now. So most of the results you’re seeing are from old posts only. Until I can rebuild the crawler or find a new API there won’t be any new content.

  • Yep that’s the new idea. The sad part is that with this method there’s no way to get historical data. Only new posts. So if a server goes down, gets DDOSd etc… I’ll lose posts forever.

    Also building an ActivityPub implementation from scratch isn’t trivial either. So that’ll take some time.

    I’ve got a few other ideas I’m playing with as well. Like just assuming that internal post IDs are all sequential and literally fetching them one by one. Or maybe some combination of both?

  • Not sure if I entirely understand what you’re asking but here’s my setup that sounds similar-ish that might help.

    I’ve got essentially 3 machines

    1. Download machine - contains Sonarr/Radar/Nzbget, etc… This machine isn’t very powerful but it has A LOT of RAM.
    2. A Nas - this is where everything gets downloaded to. Primarily this machine just has a lot of HDD space.
    3. Jellyfin box – Decent RAM and a beefy CPU for transcoding.

    The download machine has a network share to download directly to the NAS in a special /downloads/ folder. Once a download completes Sonarr, etc… move it to it’s correct media folder.

    Finally the Jellyfin machine is monitoring the media folders for changes.

    I assume you could set up something similar with Plex instead of jellyfin and then store the fully downloaded files on a separate machine with a network drive, so Plex can see it. Essentially the NAS for you would be two machines one (the seedbox) for the partial downloads and a local NAS for the fully downloaded files?

    Anyway, not sure if that’s what you’re looking for.

  • Think of Lemmy as email. Each post or comment is just an email sent to a distribution group (a community). If your email server goes down, all of those users and distribution groups are gone. Now I’ll still have the emails I sent to you in my email box but you won’t be able to see them as your email server is offline. Sure you could create a new account on a new server but you’d have to tell everyone about your new address (federate) but there’s nothing to associate your old user with your new one and there’s no way to backfill data. I could reply-all or forward (comment) on to your new address but there’s still no way to associate those old posts with your new account.

  • So the builder pattern is supposed to solve the problem of: if you have a large number of optional fields that may or may not need to be set to construct your object. Then once the dev has called all of the setters that they require, they call build to fully realize that object.

    Some rules that all builders should follow:

    • All setters SHOULD represent optional parameters. (Or ones that have a default value). If a parameter is required for all instances, include it in the constructor of the Builder itself.
    • All setters SHOULD return a copy of the Builder. This way you can chain calls off of each other.
    • Setters SHOULD do nothing more than store the provided value in a field local to the builder itself and then return itself (or a copy of itself).
    • You MUST expose a .build() method that will return the fully realized object. This method should essentially call the constructor for your target object using all of the parameters, regardless if a setter was called or not. Obviously any value where the setter wasn’t called will be null or some default value.