So, I noticed something interesting while writing and testing a script.

The intent of the script is to connect to the API of your home instance, then list all of the communities for all instances that the home instance is federated with, sorted by number of subscribers.

The API endpoint to do this is “/api/v3/community/list”

My understanding is as follows:

  • The argument “sort=TopAll” indicates that it should sort by number of subscribers
  • The argument “type=All” indicates that it should show communities from the local instance and all federated instances.
  • The argument “limit” indicates how many results to return (up to 50)
  • The argument “page” indicates which page of “limit” items to return

So I should get more or less the same results if I run the same request against or So I ran these two requests:

With the first one, I get a mix mostly of,, and communities. That’s what I’d expect. However, with the second, it’s all communities.

So, like, what’s the deal?

Edit 2023-06-14T16:03Z

Seems something similar when I request for the endpoint on The first page is a mix of and results, but no other instances.

Edit 2023-06-14T16:12Z

It’s like they’re all different and all seem to favor their home instance? Some more than others, though.