Some people are so fragile. Fox News of course is saying feds have banned non US flags, of course lying to their viewers about what is actually happening.

      1 year ago

      Wow the description of the flag in the flag code is amusingly vague: “The flag of the United States shall be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white; and the union of the flag shall be forty-eight stars, white in a blue field.”

      According to the wikipedia page, the exact specification is given in “Executive Order 10834,” but strictly it only applies to flags made for and by the federal government.

    1 year ago

    I really don’t have a problem with this. No government should support any private causes, no matter their nature, with the exception of international treaties and the like, such as NATO or the UN. I think it makes sense to ban flags representing personal opinions from federal buildings. LGBTQ+ rights must be protected by every rational humanitarian government, but it’s rather unprofessional for a government entity to fly a flag of solidarity next to a national flag in my opinion.

      1 year ago

      What is a ‘private cause’ though? Because to me this feels like a very public issue. While it may seem like LGBT rights have only strengthened each year, there is currently an unprecedented level of effort being put towards disenfranchising and stifling queer and trans communities. Even if you’re not part of those communities yourself, it’s a near certainty that somebody you know and care about is. There’s a very large and diverse subset of the American populace who is being targeted by these anti-lgbt actions.

      During the civil rights movement I would have had no problem with the white house flying a flag in solidarity with black Americans, and I don’t have a problem with them flying the pride flag now.

        1 year ago

        It drives me crazy that LGBT people existing is considered some kind of “political agenda” by some people.

  • Square
    1 year ago

    I used to believe that the state of US politics is down to a shoddy education system. But by now I believe it’s down to so many politicians and their followers over there being on a pure chaotic evil alignment.

    They are just out to screw over the country and the people on purpose.

      1 year ago

      The name of the game is to keep the masses fighting over and focused on ephemeral shit that doesn’t matter. Books, gays, lesbians, queers, trans, wokeness, CRT, religious tolerance, etc., This way the vast majority of the minority in this country are up in arms over what they see as threats to their way of life, as good god fearing christians. The real intent though is to keep them blind to how they’re being used, abused, sold out, turned into a product, stripped of their rights, and incrementally silenced, all so the people they put in power can make a few extra bucks while rat fucking a system that is engineered from the ground up to reward lying, cheating, demogoguery, and inciting division. The worst part is that this busted ass system is so entwined in the essence of what it is to be “'Murican” that questioning it, looking for logic, or even commenting on the hypocrisy in the design is enough to get violently assaulted in some parts.

      Rome 2.0 is burning, and our leaders have convinced us that all of us fiddling is best way to deal with it

        1 year ago

        I think I agree but from a different perspective.

        The LGBTQ community and trans people in particular(among other minorities) are being targeted because they need something to rile people up in order to manipulate voters. Same goes for abortion. But this doesn’t mean these issues don’t matter. In small, big or very big ways, these issues still can affect people.

        I think it’s possible to do both: defend our rights while not losing sight from the other issues, like proper taxation, delaying global climate change, reducing poverty, achieving free health insurance, etc. And besides, this is anecdotal evidence but the people in favor of LGBT rights, IME, tend to also favor the other issues mentioned.

          1 year ago

          In no way did i mean to suggest, imply, or otherwise push the stance that the LGBTQ/Trans issues don’t matter. They absolutely do. I fully recognize and complete support equality for all. Those communities are absolutely under attack by these closed minded conservative bigots. My phrasing was intended to convey that these communities pose no direct threat, of any kind, to the folks frothing at the mouth for their continued marginalization.

          As you pointed out, they make easy targets to be lambasted in order to distract from the real issues of the day and conflating their cause with anything having to do with social, environmental, or economic responsibility or reform is an easy way to get the electorate to vote against their own self interest. So long as we’re made at each other for things we can’t change and the majority of us don’t understand, we don’t have time or resources to be mad at those actually making life hard for the rest of us.

          • Square
            1 year ago

            To put your point slightly different: These issues don’t matter to those who aren’t affected by them.

            The ones opposing these issues are almost exclusively not people who have any first-hand (or second-hand) experience with the topic at hand.

            It’s a pure moral panic that is used to distract, at the expense of people who are seriously affected by these moral panic attacks. So of course these people fight back, because it’s their existance that is threatened. And that gives a really nice distraction about the issues that really should be changed (power structures, corruption, screwed election systems, …)