I humbly ask your assistance, be it donations and or sharing this. I am working on a Fediverse platform that I believe can add tremendously to this place. Unfortunately, in order to bring this project to life I need funds. Please do not feel obligated, but donate out of the kindess of your heart. I know it is hard out there for many people. Please use whichever platform you feel comfortable with.

  • X3I@lemmy.x3i.tech
    1 year ago

    Okay, I see an emotional story and a set of general statements about how a fediverse platform should be like but I do not see a single sentence regarding what would be different from existing platforms. You have to be specific if you ask tech people for money, this description sounds just… hollow.

    From what I see you could just set up your own Lemmy/Kbin/Whatever server, no need for excessive funding upfront. Sorry but sounds sketchy.