• TheBananaKing@lemmy.world
    3 hours ago

    I spent about 20 years getting stuck in the past while the culture got away from me; I just hadn’t got into any bands since the early 2000s, and it was getting pretty sad.

    I also have pretty bad ADHD - music fucks up my ability to concentrate on language-based tasks, so I can’t just play stuff in the background while I do something else - and sitting there staring through multiple songs in a row just isn’t going to happen.

    So I had a great idea: turn it into a game.

    I nuked my youtube data completely, started again from scratch, and set out, not so much to discover new music, but to train the algorithm to fetch me cool stuff. How well can I nudge the thing into a model of stuff I tend to like?

    • Open the home feed, and start going through it
    • Reaction videos, influencers, other garbage, hit don’t recommend channel.
    • Any music videos, open in new tab
    • Rinse and repeat until I have a ridiculous number of tabs open
    • Go through each tab:
    • Skip through representative chunks of song, get at least 20 seconds of music in before making a decision
    • If you just don’t like it, close the tab and move on.
    • If you do like it:
    • If it’s not posted by the original artist account, go find the original instead if possible.
    • Hit like
    • Save to playlists for whatever genres it seems to fit, plus a catch-all list (set public, for reasons I’ll explain)
    • Open a few new tabs off the sidebar
    • If you find three solid bangers from one artist, subscribe.
    • When you run out of tabs, refresh the home feed.

    It’s adjustable to suit my attention span at the time - if I need the dopamine I just skim more, if I want to chill I let it play longer.

    It fits into spare minutes of downtime at work etc.

    I have discovered SO MUCH amazing new music, and my tastes have expanded in all kinds of directions. I’ve started not only recognizing but actually having opinions on bands I see on posters as I walk down the street, which is just plain ridiculous for me.

    I have gone down some weird and amazing rabbit holes, from Armenian music to Femtanyl.

    Probably the best thing I’ve ever done, srsly.

    Sometimes the algorithm can get stale, and you end up with a streak of bland, safe stuff that all seems the same.

    When this happens, find one of the many third-party playlist-shuffle sites (because the built-in shuffle is still horribly broken), and feed it either your main playlist or some of the genre-specific ones you feel aren’t getting enough love, and listen through a bunch of songs there to dredge up the silt. (you may need to open them in separate tabs; the embed doesn’t always update your watch history properly). And this is why the lists need to be public, so third-party sites can browse your playlists.

    • PrimeMinisterKeyes@lemmy.world
      2 hours ago

      Yeah, I’ve had a realization a few days ago when I checked out about a dozen songs that had north of 10 million views on YT, but I’ve never heard of them, at all, or of the artists behind them. And all of those were from some 10 years ago. So I guess my taste in music is kind of frozen in time and I’ve been trying for a while to complete collections of “old” artists rather than getting to know new ones.
      I do get occasional inspiration from the folks at I Love Music, though.