• BarqsHasBite@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    “Jobs, wages, inflation,” isn’t a fucking message, dude. It’s just three issues that you are assigning to moderates

    Are you serious? Did you miss the last 10 years of Trump constantly saying how he was bringing manufacturing back to the US and everything else? That was his core message. He was constantly shouting it. It’s the entire philosophy behind “Make America Great Again”. I really didn’t think I had to elaborate more on his message so I just listed off some key points/issues to refer to that. How in the world are you this pedantic on that.

    And that was aimed at the center voter.

    And that was what the center voter wanted to hear.

    And that is why the center voter voted for Trump.

    because you seem really confused

    Ah you’re down to personal attacks. Well that’s that. There can be no conversation with people when they act like that. So the rest of my reply I’ll try to make brief and this is my last reply.

    and then naming issues instead a message is fucking incoherent?

    Are you serious? Well I just said it, yeah I didn’t think I’d have to break down the MAGA message that he was shouting for 10 years, so that’s how I referenced it. Holy cow.

    I was talking about centrist platforms being unpopular with the electorate, and you’re talking about Trump winning voters who consider themselves moderate.

    Yeah you left out the rest of my explanation. The only issue is if you’re so pedantic on the word “issue” because I didn’t think I had to explain the last 10 years of the MAGA message and used the word “issue” to refer to the MAGA message.

    I’ll say it again: Trump ran a centrist platform/message/campaign/policy/whatever term you need to hear so that you can stop trying to play pedantic.

    And Trump won the center voter with that centrist platform/message/campaign/policy.

    And yes we already discussed that he had far right dog-whistles that everyone should have seen through, but they didn’t, so it came across enough as a centrist message. Why do I get the feeling you’re going to quote the parts above without including this.


    Oh do we get to shout now? Ok: TRUMP DID HIS CENTRIST POLICY/PLATFORM/MESSAGE/CAMPAIGN BETTER IS MY WHOLE FUCKING POINT. Trump appealed to the center voter better with his centrist platform/message/campaign/policy. What part of that do you not get? Rhetorical question because this is my last reply.

    Trump did it better. That’s how Trump got the center voter. With Trump’s centrist platform/message/campaign/policy.

    Why do I feel like I need to include this again: And yes we already discussed that he had far right dog-whistles that everyone should have seen through, but they didn’t, so it came across enough as a centrist message.

    That’s what I was literally saying in the comment you decided to jump in on.

    Ok first reply, so I can close this out:

    Harris and Hillary’s losses in the general prove that Americans aren’t that centrist.

    [Except] Trump took the center voters. I think we all see through him, but the center voter loves him for economy and jobs.

    My whole point is Americans ARE centrist and that Trump appealed to the centrist/center voter/whatever term you want BETTER than Harris, with his centrist platform/message/campaign/policy.

    Then you said Trump was actually far right. And that’s when the back and forth started that I keep trying to say that Trump actually appealed to the center with his center platform/message/campaign/policy. And this is where I insert all the discussion about how he did both.

    And again I feel like I need to insert that chorus of me saying yes he had dogwhistles that yes people should have seen through.

    the message isn’t centrist, it’s far-right

    Yeah see you keep trying to say that Trump is [only] far right. And I’m saying most* of his message was actually centrist. (*Most. Not all, Most. Because yes he had far right too. I acknowledge both, but most, not all, most was centrist).

    Try to listen to it from a layman’s POV if you need. Go to his 2016 stuff, it was less fascist. It didn’t click to me until I went back, listened to the 2016 stuff, turned off my brain, and actively tried to hear it from a layman’s POV. That’s when I realized that to a layman, it’s a centrist platform/message/campaign/policy that the centrist wants. Yes insert alllllll our conversation about dogwhistles and how people should have seen through it, but they didn’t.

    And that’s why I said at the start: [Except] Trump took the center voters. I think we all see through him, but the center voter loves him for [his centrist platform/message/campaign/policy on] economy and jobs. Insert chorus above about dogwhistles that yes people should have seen through.

    JFC indeed. Ciao b/c of your personal attacks.

    • pjwestin@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      It is deeply funny that you still don’t understand the difference between a centrist platform and moderate voters, and that you keep insisting Trump has a centerist platform without being able to articulate a single centrist position he’s taken. Anyway, it’s clear I can’t make understand how you fundamentally don’t understand the terms you’re misusing, so my parting advice would be to learn more or talk less. Good luck, champ.