LemmyTools 0.1.1 - GreaseMonkey Addon Script

Current Features:

  • Adds “Easy Subscribe” button to remote instance communities.
  • Adds a collapsible sidebar on the side of screen that shows a searchable list of your subscribed communities.
  • Adds link back to home instance and a community browser.
  • (new) - Adds an options menu to configure LemmyTools settings.

Upcoming features:

  • When off site collect a list of communities and display in sidebar for easy subscription.
  • Create sub communities grouping function.
  • Create remote instance search of communities and integrate with easy subscribe method.
  • Create addon for firefox/chrome.

Installation and Configuration:

1 - Browser must have Greasemonkey addon (You could use another JS injector app for the .js). Tested with Greasemonkey.

2 - Download either the .JS file or install from greasyfork.

3 - Set home lemmy instance via options page once script is loaded

This script is all done by a complete amateur for fun. Enjoy and feel free to fork it!

Get it here: Github or GreasyFork

Please submit issues to the github for feature requests and problems: Github LemmyTools Issues

ChangeLog: 0.1.1 - Updated added settings menu, fixed new compatibility changes with lemmy 0.18. 0.1a - Initial Release

  • Rick@thesimplecorner.orgOP
    1 year ago

    Made a workaround by manually entering your instance in the script. Also fixed mobile browsers having an issue not showing the sidebar. Mobile experience is meh but desktop is pretty functional. Will update more this week.

    Please reinstall.