The Senate voted on Wednesday to confirm Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. of the Air Force as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, steering around a monthslong blockade of military promotions by Senator Tommy Tuberville, Republican of Alabama, who has held up hundreds of nominees in protest of a Pentagon abortion access policy.

General Brown, whom the Senate confirmed by a vote of 83 to 11, was one of three high-profile military promotions that Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, called up on the floor Wednesday, in an effort to force votes to confirm their bids to serve on the president’s top military advisory council. The Senate is expected on Thursday to confirm Gen. Eric Smith of the Marine Corps and Gen. Randy George of the Army as the chiefs of staff for their respective services as well.

General Brown, now confirmed, is set to succeed Army Gen. Mark A. Milley as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs when he steps down at the end of the month.

But while the move resolved the standoff over some of the military’s highest-profile promotions, it left hundreds more in limbo, still stymied by Mr. Tuberville’s objective.

Mr. Schumer had been reluctant to force votes on individual nominees for fear of being seen as capitulating to Mr. Tuberville, whose tactics he has likened to hostage taking. The Alabama senator has been blocking a series of promotions of senior generals and admirals in an effort to force the Pentagon to reverse a policy, conceived after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, of giving time off and reimbursing service members who were required to travel to obtain abortion or fertility services.

“The Senate will overwhelmingly vote to confirm them, and these three honorable men will finally be able to assume their positions,” Mr. Schumer said on the Senate floor. “And the abortion policy that Senator Tuberville abhors will remain in place. Senator Tuberville will have accomplished nothing.”

While Mr. Tuberville said he welcomed their quick approvals, he added he would not relent in his push to do away with the abortion access policy. He was among 11 G.O.P. senators who voted against General Brown’s nomination, despite having indicated to reporters in recent months that he would support it.

“They finally figured out I wasn’t going to give in. I’m still not,” Mr. Tuberville told reporters on Wednesday. “They’ve got to do the right thing and move the policy back.”

The White House praised the action but criticized Mr. Tuberville for refusing to back down.

Mr. Schumer’s move, said John F. Kirby, a White House spokesman, was good for the three generals, their military branches and the Defense Department overall, but it “doesn’t fix the problem or provide a path forward for the 316 other general and flag officers that are held up by this ridiculous hold.” In March, the Pentagon enacted a policy providing time off and travel reimbursement to service members needing to go out of state to obtain an abortion or other forms of reproductive health services, in an effort to give troops equal access to such care regardless of where they are stationed.Mr. Tuberville, who had warned earlier that he would protest the policy change if it were enacted, has dug in since, refusing to allow nominations to advance even when leaders of his own party publicly disavowed his efforts as dangerous for military readiness. Instead, he has demanded repeatedly that the Pentagon revoke its policy unless Congress passes a law explicitly codifying it, and he dared Mr. Schumer to use cumbersome procedural maneuvers if he wants to get around his objections.

Before Mr. Tuberville’s protest, the Senate regularly approved senior military promotions in large blocks without controversy, a practice established to save precious floor hours. While Mr. Schumer has had the power to force votes on each individual promotion, he has resisted because doing so for the hundreds that are pending would have consumed the Senate’s attention for weeks. He also feared it might encourage other senators to employ similar tactics to protest federal policies in the future.

Mr. Schumer changed his mind on Wednesday after Mr. Tuberville threatened to go around his own blockade and demand that the Senate hold a vote on the nomination of General Smith, the first of the three newly confirmed chiefs to have appeared for a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee. That would have allowed Mr. Tuberville to blunt accusations that he has put national security at risk by leaving the top ranks of the military without permanent, fully empowered leaders.

Mr. Schumer ridiculed Mr. Tuberville’s latest gambit on the floor Wednesday, accusing the Alabama senator of being underhanded and “essentially trying to make himself the gatekeeper of which officers are promoted and who sits and waits.”

“He’s desperate to shift the responsibility onto others,” Mr. Schumer said. “The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the senior senator from Alabama.” Mr. Tuberville accused Mr. Schumer in turn of having mismanaged the situation and of underestimating his resolve.

“This hold is not affecting readiness,” Mr. Tuberville said. “If Democrats want to complain, they should look in the mirror. I don’t control the floor; the Democrats do.”

It was not immediately clear whether Mr. Schumer would attempt to continue holding such votes on pending high-profile military promotions. The Armed Services Committee is expected to recommend Admiral Lisa M. Franchetti to the full Senate for confirmation as the next chief of naval operations soon, and in the coming weeks, the panel is expected to consider the nomination of Gen. David Allvin to serve as the Air Force’s new chief of staff.

Mr. Kirby noted that doing so for every pending promotion could take as much as 700 hours, adding, “That’s not only unrealistic; it’s dangerous for our national security.”

    1 year ago

    Typically, the upper congressional chamber fast-tracks and confirms military nominations all together at once with bipartisan support, via a process known as unanimous consent.

    But a single senator can prevent it, and Mr Tuberville has done so for eight months in objection to a US Defence Department abortion policy. […] On Wednesday, the Democratic leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer, moved to confirm General Charles Brown as the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, replacing outgoing General Mark Milley.

    The Senate approved the nomination by 83-11, with Mr Tuberville and a handful of Republican colleagues voting no. […] While Mr Schumer could theoretically confirm nominees on an individual basis, the non-partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) concluded that doing so would eat up nearly 700 hours of floor time in the Senate.

    TL;DR: switch from “quickly grant unanimous approval for groups” to “slowly approve one by one”