• Bloomcole@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    “But that isn’t how it works”

    Right, the entirety of history is wrong.
    From the stormers of the Bastille to Che.
    Finally this guy here can tell you what is needed.

    Babysteps! I mean where’s the urgency? Not like some regime dudes throwing sieg heils and introducing fascism at rapid speed can go irreversably wrong right?
    If only occupied Europe would’ve stopped eating bratwurst and apple strudel in the 40’s, all that unpleasantness wouldn’t have needed to happen.
    And besides there are plenty of things you can try before you show no mercy and have a mass singing of cumbaya.
    I’m ending this hopeless convo here and leave you to it.
    I’ll be sure to watch how it ends, got the nachos, dip and everything.

    • GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world
      23 days ago

      So what are you doing?

      Are you organizing people to go out and protest or are you just being a keyboard warrior? You know that phrase put up or shut up? Why are you not out pulling people in to a long protest? If you are why are you not taking this time to get more people in your protest? If you are not then you are no better than all these people that you’re bitching about.

      You’re right this is a conversation that is going no where you’re just here to bitch and really not do anything. Later.

      • Bloomcole@lemmy.world
        23 days ago

        How’s your short term memory? I’ve explained before.
        1 European, not protesting for a country that has been nothing but a pain to the world.
        2 I was just ridiculing a silly movement in a thread online, and without intention I even gave good advise (which you don’t deserve).
        Even then it’s clear you’re all hopeless and clueless.
        Like I said, it’s for the best that you’re circling the drain, won’t lose any sleep over it.