I’m looking into getting my own domain to use for email for both my partner and I. I was initially considering using both or first initials followed by our last name (example: ajsmith.tld for Ann and John Smith) but then got to thinking about it and realized that might not be best for privacy. It looks great in a professional setting (like job applications, bills, taxes, etc.), though. So I’m unsure. I’m curios what other privacy concerned people are doing. The main goal is to not have to worry about changing account emails when we change email providers.

Edit: thanks everyone! Lots more replies than I expected and lots of good advice. I ended up going with lastname.tld domain and will combine that with aliases for privacy where needed. I might buy a fun domain later as well but for now this works.

  • flatbield@beehaw.org
    28 days ago

    Choose a standard domain to get best delivery. Either org. com, or net. I went for short and speakble and spellable, Then sort but not quessable names to prevent spam. For my main names I chose ones that someone that knows my name would recognice but not the other way around. This was not about privacy in my case.

    If I wanted more privacy I would choose one or more random other domains for that using fairly random names. Or better yet I would choose a common mail proviider and use one of their popular domains.

    Also consider how your going to host. Deciding on domain is only part of the problem.