• UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    19 days ago

    How the hell are the democrats the party of enriching the wealthy when compared to the fucking R’s??

    glances at the Obama administration unprecedented market bull run while foreclosures were rampant and low-income poverty surged

    The Americans, in typical capitalist extravagance, insist on having two right-wing parties instead of one.

    I mean fucking hell have any of you ever read a book or even glanced at historic and current R policy?

    Democrats sow, Republicans reap. But the line only ever consistently goes up for the already wealthy. Passive income dominates wage growth. Assets prices outrun revenues thanks to our investor-friendly monetary policies. And the Piketty R > G math, with ®ate of investment return > (g)ross domestic profit yield, leads to a steady consolidation of property in the hands of a shrinking ultra-wealthy minority under both parties.

    Yes, democrats do periodically have to save capitalism from itself - for which the bourgeois are perpetually aggrieved. But what did Obama do when he was handed half the financial sector on a platter by the outgoing Bush Administration? Did he properly title homeowners who had already paid in mortgage several multiples of the face value of their homes? Did he cancel a bunch of outstanding student loan debt, so that college students weren’t perpetually hobbled by interest payments on debt? Did he universalize Medicaid or even deliver on a public option to evade insurance company graft?

    No. He gave the bankers their crooked banks back for a vanishingly tiny ROI. He forgave the debts of major lenders, bailed out executives, propped up stock prices of major hedge funds and corporate institutions, subsidized private insurance to the benefit of the insurers, downsized Medicaid during the Government Shutdown fight, increased school privatization at the primary level, and did literally nothing for his most zealous base of supporters - educated professionals.

    And then his party got absolutely washed in the subsequent three election cycles, culminating in the nation’s most incestuous pedophile taking the White House in 2016.

    And that was Obama, the closest thing to a progressive the party has produced since LBJ. Carter, Clinton, and Biden were even worse.