I haven’t had the pleasure yet, but my shitty intuition is telling me this is a future cult classic.
Watched it yesterday and totally agree, Mark Ruffalos performance was a perfect out of touch elite.
How many Ordinary Sausages would you give that Mark Ruffalo performance?
Enough so that when you see them you’d say “wow that’s a lot of sausages”
Digitally also means Blu-ray. I’ve got my own theatre at home. And the picture and sound quality is much better too.
I don’t pirate them in the way you think I do. I buy blu-rays and rip them for convenient digital access. I don’t share the files with others.
I disagree with piracy in general. Piracy and streaming services are the reason why movies suck these days. Plus, it’s impossible to find torrents in uncompressed blu-ray quality with the right language. Piracy sucks in every way possible when it comes to movies.
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You’re wrong. If the best way for studios to make money is streaming, then restricing access to the corresponding streaming service is their best way to make money. And they will do it.
Pirates might believe they protest against this practice. But actually, they just fuel this system even further by not voting with their money for alternatives. And there ARE alternatives: buy blurays, go to theatres, buy merch.
Pirates will soon realize that these alternatives will also disappear if nobody pays for them. The only money that will be left will be the paying streamers. And this will consequently be the only way to enjoy movies in the future. Quiet the opposite of what pirates are protesting for, isn’t it?
Protesting with piracy is just flawed logic.
Buying Blu-ray, going to theaters, and buying merchandise aren’t alternatives to owning digitally. I won’t speak for all pirates, but I just want to own a digital copy of what i pay for. Even streaming with a paid subscription isn’t a viable alternative. I don’t pirate to protest, I pirate because there’s no other choice.
You can just do both. You can pirate your digital copy and support the artists in ways that don’t support streaming. You can buy blurays for example, rip them using MakeMKV to get a digital copy. It’s piracy, but it supports a business model that’s at least somewhat based on ownership. Or you go to the theatre and torrent the same movie later.
In that way, you actually have some impact on changing the industry and you also get your digitally owned copy. Piracy alone will just support the current state of the industry even more.
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Let’s stay on topic. I’d like to know from you how piracy protest can force studios to change their business models? Enlighten me.
The way I see it studios will double down on their shitty business practices the more people do piracy. The exact opposite of what pirate’s protests intend to accomplish. Because the only people who are left paying are paying for the shitty business models. So shitty business practices become the most profitable way. Instead of not paying at all, a better solution would be to pay for good alternatives. Like buying merch, buying blurays, going to theatres. If everyone does that, shitty business practices will become unprofitable.
No it doesn’t, physical and digital releases are almost always separate dates, often the digital release being much earlier than DVD/Bluray
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It’s a pretty good film, worth a watch if it’s the kind of thing you’re into
I definitely enjoyed watching it in theaters
Nice try Robert Pattinson
Say goodbye to movie theaters
I said goodbye to theaters years ago; the cost of attendance is unjustifiable anymore.
I saw it on a whim last week. It was a pretty decent movie.
I wish the movie was longer, even though the runtime is 2h20m.
I thought the timing was just right but maybe it’ll get a sequel…
Thank god. Been unable to find it on the high seas for weeks.
try searching for a less-than-scrupulous streamer on yandex, it was literally the first result for me. seems to be a proper rip as well, quality is surprisingly nice!
Fucking king
Do you know what we would do to a king would he ever set foot on this here deck, mate?
Read the books first!
Does the movie cover more than the first book?
Given that the movie has some references to rather specific news stories from the past year, yes, there are things not in the book in the movie, and those are some of the best parts.
No, it doesn’t go into the second book. It also deviates quite a bit at the end, imo for the better
Thanks, just finished the first book, wanted to make sure the movie would spoil the next one!
Pretty sure the 3rd hobbit film had to make up most of it, if that counts?
So, what’s the movie about, anyway?
Robert Pattinson dies a bunch of times. Also, Mark Ruffalo is Trump.
It’s the story of a loser nobody with no plans, no hope and no future finding meaning and happiness in his life. In a very roundabout and fucked up way. If you enjoy stories about hapless protagonists failing upwards then you’ll enjoy this.
Couldn’t help but think of paranoia the rpg when I saw the trailer
Will there be a Blu-ray UHD release?
Hell yea!
I can’t wait to legally acquire the physical UHD release! I definitely won’t be pulling the full blu-ray rip of it off Usenet or anything.
You won’t find it. 99% of times it’s re-encoded. The torrents often say it’s the original but it’s often not. Getting the original bluray is always better and easier too. You can always just rip it yourself using MakeMKV for your Plex or Jellyfin library.
Plus, when you spend some money on your entertainment you guarantee to get more movies you like in the future. Money is the best way to vote for better TV. If everyone who actually cares about good movies goes to not pay for it, then streaming will replace theatres alltogether and we’ll only get trash movies locked to streaming services. The industry goes where most of the money is.
I haven’t seen or read a single good thing about the movie, but everyone here seems really pumped
It is a great movie! Fun and chaotic and not a little bit subtle.
It’s ok.
I haven’t read the book, but it has the feel of a movie that tried to include every subplot from the source material. A lot of cool things mentioned or hinted at but not satisfyingly explored.
I think it would have benefitted from a 3 hour run, or an aggressive edit down to a tight 90. At 2 hours and change it’s simultaneously too long and too short.
Cool, now I can watch it.
Movie theaters are such a joke now. To see a movie with just one other person is easily $50+, possibly slightly higher. All that to possibly end up in a theater with someone loud af anyway and a theater staff that doesn’t give the slightest fuck since they’re also criminally underpaid.