Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • If you’re willing, I feel there is a bias in your argument that I’d like to explore more with you.

    You make the excellent point that plants are living organisms as well, but you also make the assumption that “it is much more humane to kill life forms without a brain.” You then go on to suggest that their sole purpose for existence is nothing more than reproduction.

    I’d like to challenge both of those assertions. But before I continue, I want to make certain of my position as anecdotal, as I am not an expert in these matters.

    It turns out that plants can see, smell, feel, and have a memory. And according to the scientist in the article, plants and humans also share DNA.

    We’ve all heard the advice that we should talk to our plants, as they react more positively (grow) to the sound of our voices. We also know that plants play a vital role in our existence.

    The most obvious is converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. They also provide shelter and protection for animals. They also help produce about 10% of the moisture in our atmosphere.

    As for brains, no they do not have the same type of brain or nervous system that we as humans are accustomed to having. But that is not to say that plants are incapable of making decisions.

    Take the Venus Flytrap as an example: it can detect when a bug has landed inside of its mouth, and after having another external stimuli triggered will it decide to trap that bug inside before it devours it for nutrients.

    I could go on, such that plants do communicate with other (e.g., grass when cut, fungus creating underground networks to each other).

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.world
    toScience Memes@mander.xyzWhales
    2 days ago

    We’re all forgetting one important factor: quality over quantity. First of all, the whale doesn’t just sit in one place to broadcast their 80km calls. We can’t really say that about a marine biologist; who more than likely is out to sea and away from anyone else using Tinder.

    I’d bet those whales are getting more action than that marine biologist, despite having a “shorter” distance on their mating calls.

    Suck on that, you stupid marine biologist and your decade of education and training.

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.world
    toScience Memes@mander.xyzMythbusters
    5 days ago

    This is the right attitude more people should have. But all too often, when people are proven wrong, they genuinely believe that it must be the other person/group, because they cannot accept the emotional consequences of being wrong.

    I know that I’ve had a hard time learning this because growing up I was never held to account for my actions on an emotional level. It was the 80s and 90s, and adults at that time would either shrug it off, or go straight to the nuclear punishment of corporal punishment. Never once would they sit down and talk to you about why what you did was wrong and how to do it better next time. I, anecdotally, believe that a lot of genx suffer this same way. They simply haven’t learned that there is a better way.

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.world
    toScience Memes@mander.xyzRevenge
    6 days ago

    While my comment uses somewhat of an antiquated (and potentially toxic) expectation of “manly” behavior, I was attempting to paint a humorous picture of what I would look like in that situation. FWIW, I was not making a condemnation of anyone for this type of behavior. If anything, I was poking fun at myself. 😊