Black hole cosmology suggests that the Milky Way and every other observable galaxy in our universe is contained within a black hole that formed in another, much larger, universe.
The theory challenges many fundamental models of the cosmos, including the idea that the Big Bang was the beginning of the universe.
It also provides the possibility that black holes within our own universe may be the boundaries to other universes, opening up a potential scenario for a multiverse.
Mine blown 🤯
much larger universe than this? are you fucking kidding? we might just as well die then.
Or you might just as well live given the absurdity of it all.
You both make excellent points!
Pulls deeply on the cigarette, stomps it out and then waves the pistol’s barrel towards a dark corner of the room.
“Now get into the box…”
eh why not …
Because it’s not what you expected?
I can assure you, whatever you expected is just as strange and absurd as this.
Let me put this in another way:
To think that time might have not existed, then started up at some point, breaks my brain.
To think that time might go on for infinity in the past, with no starting point, also breaks my brain.
No because it is just so crushingly huge. I mean maybe humanity could understand and even partially explore the universe at some point. But trying to understand a universe within a universe, fuck that. Whose to say it is not a sequence of universes?