Hey 👋,
I got frustrated with the friction for users from direct links to all the different instances they don’t have accounts for and built https://lemsha.re/
It’s inspired by matrix.to - but built for Lemmy content.
If a user clicks a lemsha.re link the user will be presented with two options:
- visit the original link, or
- view the same content - but on their preferred instance
Hope you find it useful.
Thanks for creating it! But I’m confused about what is the difference from https://lemmyverse.link/ ? Additionaly are there plans for adding Mbin support? (It uses m/ instead of c/ and has distinct API)
Added Photon UI support today.
Also looked into implementing Mbin support. It’s quite straight forward what needs to be done. Can’t promise anything soon though.
Do you mind submitting an issue to the repo? https://codeberg.org/lemshare/lemshare
Nice! Sure, I have a Codeberg account so why not
You could also take inspiration from how Lemmyverse.link does it, because it supports Mbin - https://github.com/RikudouSage/lemmyverse.link
Hah. Did not know about lemmyverse.link
I like that they pre-fetch the link metadata. Other than that and the delay option I don’t see much difference.
No immediate plans for Mbin support. My plan is to publish the code and make it FOSS, though. Should be quite easy to extend (and self-host if you like).
I guess we should promote it more
Honestly not sure how the info about its existence would have reached me. Other than being part of every lemmy instance sign up form maybe. Or might have stumbled upon a mention on the https://join-lemmy.org/ home page. Endorsement there would be awesome.
There are browser extensions that offer similar functionality on a personal level - but even those I only tried after.
It is used from time to time, in a few communities sidebars for instance.
The thing is that most of the time people are just going to use another instance link without going through a third party tool to make it instance agnostic