This is straight-from-Hitler genocide inciting rhetoric. And 82% of Republicans agree

    9 months ago

    What if I told you you shouldn’t be surprised. January 6th, wasn’t even the first plotted coup attempt Republicans had worked on. They’ve been at this for nearly 100 years. Originally intending to overthrow the United States government. At roughly a similar time Hitler initially tried to overthrow the German government.

    One of the few reasons they didn’t is a largely unsung American patriot named Smedley Butler. Who warned FDR about the plot. FDR even though he was one of our greatest presidents of the last century and did a lot of good. Ended up managing to shit the bed on this. Instead of calling out the fascists, rooting them out and prosecuting/locking them up. Cut a deal with them. In order to temporarily get new deal policies passed. Only to have the son and grandson of the man they most likely intended to install as America’s fascist dictator become presidents. The son who himself was a man in heavy support of American international terrorist activities. Enabled and then pardoned one of the greatest American international terrorists of the 1980s.

    We shouldn’t be surprised. We’ve had a century of constant warnings. Trump being the most minor one of all. But somehow the only one most people managed to catch. I blame the whitewashed history we teach in America.