Saved you a click: Shift to the right and become more moderate

    8 months ago

    Sometimes hope is what we need to keep going in what looks like an insurmountable challenge. It’s simply a way to motivate people. Conservatives have used hope to motivate their base. Conservative voters are willing to show up because they have hope that they can change our society (in a negative way, for the record) using the political process. They have been wildly successful at that. We can harness the same resources and use it against them. Only we can theoretically do it better, because we have the most important thing: numbers.

    It’s up to all of us to step up, show leadership ourselves, and grind this shit out. We have to fight the GOP, a good deal of Democratic Party leadership, and the media every single day. We have to work primary campaigns, push out moderates in the primaries, and remove every GOP member possible during general elections. And we have to do it for decades. It works. It has worked before. I don’t care if we’re motivated by hope, hate, or hunger. We just need to stay motivated.