One of the major problems with TV that I’ve noticed is that you can have a great premise and great starting season, then the show gets cancelled for some stupid reason. I often find movies to have higher quality than TV. What do you think?
One of the major problems with TV that I’ve noticed is that you can have a great premise and great starting season, then the show gets cancelled for some stupid reason. I often find movies to have higher quality than TV. What do you think?
Yeah I understand.
You say you find them boring, but you say you have only watched 4 you should better phrase it to I find them uninteresting, because I don’t think we could qualify something as boring if we don’t know about them (a quick sinopsis doesn’t counts).
I have watched some cartoons as well, but mostly from my childhood, I know almost nothing about “new cartoons”.
And yeah I also like a lot TV shows, some sitcoms are easy to binge watch and I like the quality production of Game of Thrones and the plot (until certain seasons), also Breaking Bad is my favorite one, I know these are very mainstream, but what can I say I would need to balance my time more to watch more stuff 😅