Every time she comes up it’s always underlined that she is super transphobic. However, it’s never been really clear to me what things she has said to acquire such a status. Whenever this is asked there is usually someone linking some two hour YouTube theory about goblin or a massive article that always feels quite tangential. If one is to be so notorious; wouldn’t it be a little bit more overt?

What did she say?

  • BeegYoshi@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Extremely rarely do racists, homophobes, transphobes, and the like specifically say “I hate x,” because then it gets harder to rationalize that away both to yourself and others.

    That said, yes, she has. Lots of claiming being trans isn’t a legitimate identity. Referring to trans women as “trans identifying men.” Wrote a literal novel about trans women being serial killers, sniffing panties and hanging out in bathrooms to claim their next victims. Trying to speak for cis lesbians and claiming trans women are especially dangerous to them, despite cis lesbians being one of the least transphobic demographics and not being a lesbian herself. Retweeting hateful statements from even more blatant transphobes. Oh and I nearly forgot, straight up taking the label “TERF” and wearing it like it’s somehow a badge of pride.

    I know you said you don’t want to watch some super long youtube video about it but I’m going to link to two of them anyway; it’s a complex topic! They’re pretty funny and come from the perspective of a trans woman with a background in academia. This one is pretty recent and comes with the added bonus of teaching you a lot about the history of social justice in general, and the fight for LGBT rights in particular. This one is older but is more focused on Rowling. Just keep in mind she’s done much worse since that video came out.