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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • Eli5: How does record AIPAC spending prevent people from voting? It still comes down to people voting so isn’t it safe to say more people voted for the person who won than people who voted for the losing candidate?

    Edit: come on this isn’t reddit. I’m not concerned with this question of who was running and what they are in favor of. As far as I have been attentive to politics there has always been campaign contributions from lobbyists with the intent to have their interests protected. I do not understand why or how that would affect the outcome of the election unless one candidates total campaign funds were a pot more than the others. I also don’t understand why is thes any new precedent? Hopefully with this added clarity the down votes won’t burry the comment and further discussion can be had.

  • Super late to the party but every comment in response to yours is incorrect or not the full reason for capital gains being taxed less than income tax. The economic justification for a lower tax rate on capital gains relative to ordinary income is threefold: it is not indexed for inflation, it is a double tax, and it encourages present consumption over future consumption. The biggest being the last point, the gov’t wants people investing, borrowing and spending so the lower tax is an incentive to keep your money in the .arket and not in a savings account or under your mattress.

    I shouldn’t have started by saying the other comments are wrong, but they all seemed to miss the actual reason you were asking about.