• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • This is a response to protests from the people from their leader circumventing their legislative process to raise the retirement age to satiate the capitalists who don’t want their taxes to go up to pay back into the system that provided the infrastructure and means for their success in the first place.

    Those protests are continuing and getting worse due to increased use of police force, and its cutting into GDP, the only thing the capitalists care about. How much value did we accumulate? How much did the beloved economy grow metastasize? Better find a way to kill the people’s voice, or our quarterly earnings won’t reach shareholder expectations!

  • I don’t think the people profiting significantly from the current economy tend to dwell on the negative effects their actions have on other human beings, especially human beings below them on the socioeconomic ladder, as that tends to be the sole metric by which capitalists, the ones with significant capital not their self-hating peasant sycophants, weigh human life.

    Economic success tends to come from sociopathic behaviors, how much you are willing to exploit others to disproportionately benefit yourself. We reward such manipulation leaps and bounds beyond any form of actual, prosocial labor.

    A rapist likely wouldn’t agree rape is wrong.

    A serial killer likely wouldn’t agree murder is wrong.

    A capitalist likely wouldn’t agree, at least if they were being honest about how they conduct themselves professionally, that exploitation or insatiable greed is wrong.

  • I take no offense to being called a communist, even though I’m a socialist. I have a great deal of pity for the sycophants of capitalism, though, cheering their own exploitation and oppression as their masters terraform the planet to be hostile towards human life in the name of quarterly profit expectations.

    Your family will be burning from the global oligarch’s fine work, and you’ll be blaming the invisible communists and socialists that countries like the US used military means to decimate through global destabilization the world over to further capitalist interests. The capitalists won, are fully in charge, and have captured their own regulatory bodies in most of the world. This is the world of capitalists own making. They run the show, we are living in what the capitalists would consider their utopia, where they live like modern Pharoahs as most of the species subsists to further enrich them.

    We crossed that threshold years ago, man made climate alteration is a runaway train of multigenerational suffering at best, and possibly the end of human civilization for ages at worst. Have fun cursing the dirty commies when you’re thirsty with no recourse 🤣

  • Not the descendants that accepted and kept their family’s blood money without a second thought. The moment you, as an autonomous adult, choose to accept the power and wealth reaped through human misery, you accept the legacy of blood that came with it.

    Anyone can walk away from blood money, or use ALL that blood money solely to provide restitution to the populations exploitated to obtain it. It doesn’t happen though, because human beings as a rule are the fucking worst. Most people, the fuckees, fantasize about becoming the oligarch fuckers, instead of dreaming of ending their oppression and restructuring society to prohibit amoral levels of wealth/power accumulation. Most humans, given power/wealth, would use their own suffering as an excuse to propagate more suffering.

  • The republic fell decades ago to the owner class.

    All economic policy has been dictated by the oligarchs in the name of trickle down lies since Reagan, political bribery has been effectively fully legalized since Citizens United, all branches of our government have been completely captured by the wealthy interests the government was supposed to keep in check for the societal well being. Social wedges are being clicked on and off to keep the capital battery peasants, us, at each other’s throats so we won’t fight back, and they own all mass media for propaganda and all means of institutional violence to protect themselves from any retribution for running the table ans dehumanizing the non-wealthy.

    This is all history. Without revolution or collapse, things will not be allowed to improve. Any scientific/technological advancements will be used solely to further enrich those that have almost everything and whose unquenchable greed cannot be satiated.

    Automation could be used to free humanity from menial labor, instead it will be used to increase capital output whole causing mass homelessness and threaten people into lower wages with zero governmental pushback.

    AI could be used for the same, but will be used for the above, and also used (its already starting) to monitor the humans doing things AI cannot and report any facial tick, posture, hand motion, that indicates less than optimal productivity to the owners.

    I wish we’d fight back, but as I said, their first defense is division through stoking wedge issues. Everyone fixated on social issues that are caused by, exacerbated by, or intentionally stoked by our economic prison. Peasants raging at peasants over symptoms inside an economic prison as the wardens, the people that own you, laugh at their battery’s lack of recognition.

    They learned a lot from slavery and jim crow. It’s far easier and more effective long term to manipulate us into undermining one another with false promises and propaganda than any chain or ordinance.

  • How would one sustainably protect/save the Jews (and all the other victimized groups) without first dismantling the Nazi regime?

    Sure you can free this camp and that camp without marching on Berlin, but if the machine, the source that propagates it and maintains it remains intact, you’re addressing a symptom of the primary cause and they’ll just build more camps.

    If you resolve one social wedge, they’ll stoke another in it’s place through the government they fully captured decades ago. Why do you think they’re actively unresolving decades settled resolutions through their Federalist Society judges?