I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Honestly it’s so difficult to get done as it is that they don’t even need to outlaw. It’s virtually unobtainable for most women unless they already have “enough” kids, whatever that means to a specific doctor, or they travel to find a willing doctor.

    It took me 8 years to get it done because I’ve never reproduced (childfree by choice). And I’m one of the easier stories. I got it done at 27, in 2015, and while some doctors are more willing now, most aren’t. Especially in conservative areas.

    All they have to do is keep making doctors scared to offer proper reproductive care, make it risky and they stop going into that field. You don’t need to make it illegal, just impossible. Rich white people will still be able to choose, so they don’t care.

    I had to deal with a whole bunch of people asking me hypothetical questions. What if you regret it? (what if I regret having them?), what about your future partner? (If they are right for me they also don’t want kids, and I don’t plan to get married anyway). What if you change your mind? (I will adopt if that happens. I don’t believe sharing my junk genetics is important, and the chances of issues are high anyway since I’m also broken, and there are plenty of not-infant kids who need homes if I get maternal, but kids under 5 aren’t my jam and probably never will be, and I’m probably too negligent to raise them right anyway). Ultimately they couldn’t argue with my logic but it took years of finding the right doctors getting the right consultations, etc.

  • So I’m not a biologist either but I’m going to speculate on the temp thing. (Somewhat educated speculation - science of all varieties is my jam)

    Basically my hypothesis is that between insulation and size, they aren’t capable of losing heat fast enough to fall below their baseline temp, but any old temp would probably have worked fine, as long as their fats stay liquid (and for all I know that’s 36C, but that seems highly unlikely - you’d want to be several degrees warmer in case of emergency, else you’d get stiff and die for sure).

    They have a nice layer of fat for insulation and that’s all well and good, but they are massively huge and a lot more spherical than most animals. So, they have a small surface area to volume ratio, and lose heat slower as a result. And because they are huge, and muscle twitch is heat generating (to say nothing of leaky heat-producing brown fat, idk if they have this, but most mammals seem to for thermoregulation), they likely produce a gob of heat internally just existing. Much like we believe the larger dinosaurs were endothermic due to sheer size (and some evidence from their bone structure).

    Side note - Imagine how many calories it would take to maintain basal metabolic rate when you are losing that heat to 4C water at literally all times. It takes us about 1500-2000 calories for this function and we only lose heat to air that’s relatively close to our body temp.

    I did a super quick scan of melting points of various fats, and while without knowing exact compositions of whale blubber idk the melting point, a surprising amount of the animal fats we use for cooking melt around 25-40C, with most large terrestrial animals (cow, pig, deer, etc.) falling between 32-40C (goose fat was the 25C).

    If their composition hadn’t worked, though, they could have evolved a polyunsaturated fat (like fish oil) with a lower melting point.

    Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk ;)

  • Plus side for squick thoughts, probably not that warm. The ocean is quite cold and things lose heat 25 times faster in water than air, so it would likely cool down considerably between being…… extruded…? And consumed.

    Then again, I don’t know a whales body temp to start with, so there might be a lot of heat to lose. Idk if that’s better or worse…

  • Apathy Tree@lemmy.dbzer0.comtomemes@lemmy.worldPure debauchery
    3 months ago

    The ghostery addon does that whole decline process automatically, and also randomizes data that is mandatory to use the site, to help hide who you actually are. I never see these popups anymore, and I have cookies set to clear on browser close, which I do at least once a day to clean up whatever’s left over.

  • Nuclear isn’t really a solution, it’s a stop-gap measure as we transition fully to renewables.

    I love nuclear, but there’s a lot of waste product and it’s very difficult to dispose safely. They need to be on geologically stable ground in areas not prone to natural disaster, which is harder to find than you might think. The materials used for it are limited on earth, and the output can’t be scaled up/down to meet grid demand. The plants themselves are much safer than they used to be, but there is still some risk of catastrophe, especially in older plants (those being shut down). Maintenance can also be risky.

    They are a good solution to replace dirtier options until cleaner ones can be made in quantities needed for full renewable, but should not be the end point.

    Also they may be carbon free in daily operation, but cement is one of the leading causes of carbon emissions, so constructing them is still super dirty. Mind, any other traditional power plant (coal/gas) will have the same problem, just want to be clear that it’s not carbon free.

  • You can do what I did most recently.

    I said “you have a special going on, so I want flower up to the limit for the special, good fun stuff, nice variety, preferably heavy on couch-lock weed. You can mix and match and I’ll just pay for it.”

    Works out really well. I didn’t have to pretend to give a shit about their claims of how it tasted or what it would do (“smoke” and “high” respectively, per usual), didn’t have to pretend I cared what the names or blends were, like just give me weed please and thanks. Like my dealer never gave me options?? Just give weed, here’s money. I don’t want to talk to you about the weed just sell it to me before this is uncomfortable.

  • Apathy Tree@lemmy.dbzer0.comtomemes@lemmy.worldShe Deserves Better
    3 months ago

    That just means you need to have something more to offer them than money. Women want a partner, not a provider. They want someone they can talk to, who will treat them as an equal and defer to their expertise when situations call for it, but challenge them to learn and grow when it’s called for. Partnership is mutually beneficial. And they want this regardless of the culture/country they come from.

    They want to be treated like equal people. If you can do that you’ll be just fine, I promise the bar is super low globally. You’ll find the right person for you if you treat them like people; that’s all they are and they like being treated that way.

  • Apathy Tree@lemmy.dbzer0.comtomemes@lemmy.worldShe Deserves Better
    3 months ago

    Having been the “checks all the boxes they say they want” lady, this actually kinda checks out.

    Because in practice, it’s not what a lot of folks expect. Heaven forbid you make someone feel dumb by talking to them as an equal. So you get rejected (after putting in effort) for being what they asked for.