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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • As a kid I’d use that against my parents when I had to get off my SNES. They’d be all like, “quit playing games, you’ll rot your brain”, and if be like, “How is this any different than watching TV?”. It never worked but today I feel a little vindicated.

    Sort of ironically, my first real world full time job, when I got hired, the owner had asked if I played video games, and he was then later telling a bunch of people that he thought I’d be smart and good with computers, drawing a correlation to gaming. Idk if his thought process was correct, but I am decently bright and I am pretty good with computers, so that’s something.

  • As cool as it would be to see a big shift to Linux, I think you underestimate how deeply entrenched companies are with Microsoft, so unwilling to change, the lack of support for proprietary software, and probably most importantly, the lack of IT support to manage a Linux environment.

    I’ve been full Arch since December in my personal stuff and have been a Sys Admin+ for 9+ years. I would not say I currently have the skills to effectively administer a Linux environment. I could get there, and there is a lot of overlapping knowledge, like the network stack didn’t change, but I don’t think I’m an outlier.

    I recently switched from being the sole IT guy at a small/medium company so a place with about 2k employees. I have maybe met a couple of people within the company IT that I think could make the switch relatively well, and 70% of others that just don’t got it.

    Long term it would probably be fine, but that’s not how companies work in most cases. I just don’t think most places are willing to bite the bullet now to benefit later.

  • Knowing the significance of the Gettysburg Address and remembering who read it are two different things. I can’t recite the first amendment, but I know in summary it’s free speech. I could probably guess but not say definitively who signed it, and for the most part, it doesn’t matter. If I need to know that, I’ll look it up, but the contents of the document itself it what matters. I have an okay general view of history, which is enough to not repeat it. I don’t need to remember the specifics and neither do most people.