12 days agoWhy stop there? Can we get a nuclear and biological weapons startup in there too?!
Why stop there? Can we get a nuclear and biological weapons startup in there too?!
This game is a lot of fun, took me about 20 tries till I was able to beat it. I wanna try for a full clear now.
Remember… Buy local, steal corporate.
Troops or slaves?.. you be the judge.
I imagine it’s like being selected for the hunger games. Getting randomly selected for a war you know nothing about, in a world you know nothing about, in a place you know nothing about let alone the language.
God damn it, jokes so good I cannot edit my typo. 😆
A super bicycle would actually make a lot of sense. A (super) Human powdered plane would also be pretty cool.
Bet Elon Musk definitely giving girlfriends Teslas just to spy on them.
Get these spineless geriatric corporate shill democrats out of office!