You can locate a copy at the Internet Archives so you can browse before buying
You can locate a copy at the Internet Archives so you can browse before buying
I don’t usually read pdfs on an iPhone but when I have to, I use the adobe reader as it will reflow the text to fit in the small screen
There should be a law that should any book go out of print, to be digitized and made available online. Publishers shouldn’t dictate which books are allowed to be consumed once they allow it out of print when digital versions cost next to nothing to make available for a nominal price.
That goes for authors owning the copyright, as well.
Homebridge (or Home Assistant) and smarten up your home, then add Node-Red for fancy coding of your devices
We have a DBA but with an augmented job description. They write ad hoc reports which some will be passed to the development team to be codified with filters and export options.
I remember DBAs with just database experience in the '90s and they were really busy especially when drive storage and RAM was very expensive.
But today, both are cheap and databases are easier to configure and support, I suppose their job descriptions are more expanded.
And download faster as vectors take up less data space than raster bits