Yo dawg, I heard you like try-catch blocks
Yo dawg, I heard you like try-catch blocks
There are few eyes with eyebrows, I can not create Lenny Face, literally unplayable! /s
Could be worth it to separate the eyebrows, because they clearly are available with some eyes, e.g. these are 2 combined characters סּ͡͡ and these also ・ิ
I only chose this career path because I heard there were a lot of hugs. 🥲
Fuck mosquitos and sunburn, embrace the TRVE KVLT darkness 🤘😝🤘
Aah sehr interessant, danke!
Genau, mit “im” tönts expliziter, deshalb will ich wissen ob das Absicht oder damals der Standard war.
Was it more common to use “im” back then, as opposed to today where we would rather use “am”. Or was that just him being extra spicy?
We might need a 3rd axis for this, I feel it can be connected to any of these 🤔
I can’t find the exact episode anymore (there is no short of it and I don’t have the time rn to go through every one once again), but in the Friendship Onion podcast, he told us the following:
Earlier in his life he was working in a book printing factory. And apparently he was allowed to keep books (not sure if that was only when there were cosmetic defects etc). Anyway, he read these books but instead of using a bookmark, he just tore out the pages so that when opening the book, the current page would always be the first one.
Truly a fool of a took 🥲, but I still love him 😂
(If anyone knows which episode that was, please share.)
And then there is Billy Boyd’s method, which is so evil it is off the chart.
Someone send this to Davie504
(Don’t actually, he’s probably seen it all.)
I generate D&D characters and NPCs with it, but that’s not really a strong argument.
For programming though it’s quite handy. Basically a smarter code completion that takes the already written stuff into account. From machine code through assembly up to higher languages, I think it’s a logical next step to be able to tell the computer, in human language, what you actually are trying to achieve. That doesn’t mean it is taking over while the programmer switches off their brain of course, but it already saved me quite some time.
Yes, maybe a Burglarobbit came out me nose, gotta check.
Much more accurate.
I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.
In this picture: Me, an engineer…
Why again am I doing this?
Haha, it’s been a while since I last saw that! Thanks for bringing it back 🤘🏻
And since I’ve been learning Swedish lately, I can now almost understand that Norwegian. Here’s my guess:
Ikke alle liker at det går så fort hos oss.
which means “Not all like that it’s going so fast with us.”, so it would make sense for the video xD
Can you confirm or correct that?
The ass can produce 3 of the (common) 4 states of matter.