They’ve had multiple majority governments and you guys still pay an arm and a leg for diabetes medication.
The Mongolians did it. Rome did it. History is littered with countless examples of one nation overcoming another.
Eminem seems like a pretty cool guy. Don’t know much about 50 other than that he got shot 9 times and owned vitamin water.
Can’t wait to date an asari
That’s your interpretation.
I mean, the proof is sitting there wearing your clothes. General intelligence exists all around us. If it can exist naturally, we can eventually do it through technology. Maybe there needs to be more breakthroughs before it happens.
You’re probably right
Counter insurgency is tough to overcome. As you kill insurgents, more insurgents pop up because the initially killed insurgents were their family and friends. The only way to do it is to rule with an iron fist.
All the Facebook dummies are gonna have a lot of backflips to do when Trump pardons him
Free will is an illusion.
It’ll just keep better at it over time though. The current ai is way better than 5 years ago and in 5 years it’ll be way better than now.
Why then? It’ll just be another corrupt warmonger. Might call themselves a democrat but in the end they still serve evil.
And that’s Germany that just elected a right wing government and almost elected a FAR right government. Imagine the rest of Europe. On top of that, china’s evs are top tier in quality from what I hear. Would much rather do business with them since they aren’t trying to annex me.
That requires self awareness.
China has done about 1/100th the crap the us has. Even at its best, the us was overthrowing legitimate governments and destroying entire nations. China may not be perfect, but they are a whole hell of a lot better than the us.
As a Canadian, I don’t know which country i hate more at this point.
Quit sucking your own dick
Total pussies.
No i meant to say you’re interpretation of what I said.