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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • This is why it has to come from the bottom up. All of the people saying “im sitting out of this election” or “i’m voting third party” are just acting in vain. It’s all vanity as they want to pretend they are doing something while not actually doing anything. If you want this system to change, you have to go out in local elections and push for people who will change it to ranked/star voting, and then have that move up. Then you have people who have won under those conditions voting for it, which makes it a ton more likely.

  • The court affirmed that the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz held a palpable bias in favor Hillary Clinton.

    Wow, what a garbage site that grossly misrepresents what the judge said (and then went on to contradict this in the article). The judge didn’t ‘affirm’ their claims of bias, but just assumed they were true because whether or not they are true makes no difference to the ruling, as they basically claimed it was the wrong place for the suit. They even explain later on that assuming the plaintiffs claims are true is a common practice when dismissing a case.

  • Do you feel like it’s a mess now? I’m not voting for Biden because i think he is a good debater, I’m voting for him because hes done a perfectly fine job as president during some tough times. He’s smart enough to let the systems that have held together for decades continue to function and to take advice from experts.

    Trump wants to dismantle the government and fill it with trump loyalists, which adds even more incentive to make sure Biden wins.

  • I wish we went further left, but the reality is that Biden has been a steady hand at the wheel where we’ve come out of economic unknown of the covid shut downs pretty well. We still have a ways to go, but we’re heading in the right direction, and the most glaring problem (namely inflation) was something baked in before he even came into office.

    Abroad we actually have the respect of much of the world, and it feels like to our allies that we are actually a partner that can be trusted on. Keep in mind that if you told a republican of the 80s that a US president rally the west against an imperialistic russia invading Europe, without committing a single US or NATO troop, and exposed them for how weak they are, then they would have said he was the second coming of Reagan.

    Do I disagree with a lot of what he has done? Yes. But it’s been a steady ride. Compared to Trump’s presidency, which was a bumpy ride throughout, handing off an economy that looked like it could just go completely into the shitter, and threatening our alliances across the world, he looks like straight up looks like one of the best.