For how long shall one immerse oneself in contemplating the structure of an apple cut in half?
I don’t understand
Hi SDF fellow
What about people who can’t relocate because they’re poor, don’t have dual citizenship, have nowhere to go, have felonies, etc?
We know it will get worse. Our persons are already owned by the US. We know the history and we’ve read their playbooks.
There’s no organization, no real solidarity, no strategy for opposition.
The people who think they’ll be safe from it won’t help us entrench, and people who already got out won’t help us get out.
I wish I knew how to game, but I’m secretly bad at computers
The Director of Public Policy and U.S. State Strategies at Roblox Corporation once said that creating sexual drawings or 3D renderings of real children is “too attenuated” to be worrisome or illegal.
He also argued in court that it’s okay for states to anally penetrate and otherwise torture children in their care, because protections against cruel and unusual punishment don’t apply to children.
So I’m not sure Roblox is that concerned about child safety.
Is that a kluged brainbus?
Congratulations on your 69th comment!
Jako u každého podnikání jsou nyní zájmy státu přesně formalizovány jako maximalizace dlouhodobé hodnoty pro akcionáře.
Již není potřeba, aby se obyvatelé (klienti) jakkoli zajímali o politiku.
Ve skutečnosti by to znamenalo projevit polokriminální sklony.
Is your 3,5 gopher dead? I haven’t seen him around for a while
the batteries are probably dead
Does docker not conflict with the teachings of kierkegaard?
“Columbia sells students to forced labour camp for $400M”