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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • According to some people on the fediverse, the Kagi forum thread that is linked in the toots I posted above and seemingly nowhere else.

    From a non political standpoint: I tried Kagi last year and it was ok but I didn’t get the big deal. And because I’m not in the US but the UK if you try searching where’s my nearest garage or stay the nearest result came up as 150 miles away. So it’s one of those things I’ll maybe return to it once it’s developed a bit more

  • That’s a very black and white way of putting it. As long as you’re an adult who can tell the difference between fantasy and reality, and you’re not spending hours obsessed with it I don’t think it’s unhealthy. The way you phrase ‘avoid it completely’ makes it sound like you’re going out of your way to avoid it already.

    (I think the problems are coming through with the generation being ‘brought up on porn’, and thinking real sex is like it is in the videos online but that’s a different story really.)

  • I’ve only heard of Mary Seacole out of the black Britons from history we’re expected to know of.

    I actually googled the musician and he has a relatively interesting story but it’s also not at all surprising people don’t know who he is today - he had one piece which was very popular called the Feast of Hiawatha which according to Google was played regularly until 1939 and then doesn’t seem to have been revived. Seems he was much better regarded as a conductor.

    Anyhow, historically this country’s establishment has made it hard for black people to get famous until the 20th century, something that this academic surely knows. She’s either naive or deliberately skewing her results for headlines by asking for names from a time when her top rankings include a Roman Governor!

  • From a British perspective I know there was always a huge political obsession with maintaining the ‘Special Relationship’ with the US up until Trump came in and Brexit happened basically simultaneously making us more irrelevant.

    It’s still there in a half hearted transactional way when it comes to intelligence sharing, day to day stuff etc. But in terms of the PM sucking up to the President photo opportunities to get some media attention - that aspect seems to have died pretty quickly.

    It strikes me there are a lot of similarities with our politics right now though - lack of faith from the voters, rampant cronyism, lawbreaking heads of state FFS, culture war obsessions dominating the discourse when the average person is more worried about affording their rent/mortgage at the end of the month. I’d say our government is dysfunctional on the same level but the difference is we stopped being a superpower way back when.

    I’m rambling way off topic, sorry. Reading that just reminded me of when our politicians used to be all over the American ones as being the glamorous ones to suck up to (whether the public agreed or not) but things have definitely changed.

  • See I got the impression when watching it was kind of like she was told to ‘just play it like you’re a female 10th doctor, yeah, that’ll do’. Which was really a shame because she could have owned her own character you know?

    I actually thought her best episode was the one with the Daleks and the time loop in the warehouse (Eve of the Daleks I think). Her run got overshadowed by the whole timeless child thing which was more fanwank than anyone needed or asked for. Not that Moffat or Davies had individual episodes which were just as bad for continuity stuff but it felt like a lot of the 13th Doctor stories were arc obsessed. Maybe Flux didn’t help.