1 month ago🤦🏾♀️ oh wow. My phone decided to make multiple comments while in my pocket. Sorry about that.
Since I now feel obligated to actually comment here’s a pic of a dog I saw recently. I just happened to turn when I saw the cutie staring back at me :) I got a good laugh out of it. So that was nice.
Roughly four months after being run over and rendered bed bound my mom is taking the next step in her recovery. Literally. She’s been okayed to start walking. She recently went to her first physical therapy session and is working on getting that leg strength back. Still a ways from walking even with a walker but hey progress is progress.
My lemongrass plant that I tend to neglect is showing signs of life. Seriously I haven’t changed the pot or soil of it in at least two years now. Not to mention the amount of times I forget to give it water. It’s a miracle the poor thing has lasted this long really. But today I noticed some new growth so that’s cool.