• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I’m surprised that other people are surprised that for-profit companies constantly try to increase their profits; such companies only contribute to FOSS when that’s more profitable than the alternative. The Linux kernel, AMDGPU, Steam, etc only exist because some part of the software/hardware stack is proprietary (which becomes a more attractive product as the FOSS portion of the stack improves).

    I’m definitely not justifying the “rug-pulling”, but people need to stop supporting projects with no potential for long-term profitability unless those projects can survive without any support from for-profit companies. Anything else is destined to fail.

  • I really like that bluetooth devices can still work at distances farther than a typical cable would allow. I have a decently-sized studio apartment and I can see my computer screen from most places. It’s nice to continue watching a video as I move around the apartment to clean, get up to stretch, play with my cat, etc.

    You could probably get wired headphones that long, but then you’d be dealing with that giant cable all the time. Or you’d have to constantly swap cables and interrupt the audio during that time. My AirPods work reliably from 15ft away. I can’t argue with that convenience.

  • Pi-hole works by giving clients non-routable addresses in response to DNS queries of known ad-serving domains. If the client (web browser, phone, smart device, etc) doesn’t let you set its DNS server (as many no longer do) and doesn’t obey DHCP, then you can’t feed them those addresses. You could block outbound DNS traffic from all clients except your Pi-hole, but in response some clients will just refuse to work entirely. And if they require DNSSEC (or DoT/DoH with a pinned certificate), there’s nothing you can do.