I’m a Christian and software engineer; I create random graphics projects and websites. Feel free to ask me for help with programming, or about my faith!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • For anyone who is confused: This is exploiting an old soundness bug in the Rust compiler that is still present. The GitHub issue page has this comment from maintainers:

    we already had a crate published on crates.io before which used this bug to transmute in safe code, see #25860 (comment).

    this issue is a priority to fix for the types team and has been so for years now. there is a reason for why it is not yet fixed. fixing it relies on where-bounds on binders which are blocked on the next-generation trait solver. we are actively working on this and cannot fix the unsoundness before it’s done.

  • For anyone who is still confused about what causes this: Firefox launches copies of itself when creating new website instances (usually when loading a website that has not already been loaded). Because of this, if it is updated in the background (through any means; I usually see this after a manual system update), Firefox has to restart when you try and load a new site because it cannot create any compatible copies of itself, since the old version is the one that is still running and the copies would use the new (updated) version.

    The solution is to only update when Firefox is closed, or restart it when it asks.

  • My computer was taking too long to start up, which I interpreted as failing to boot, but in hindsight was probably just my hard drive being slow. So, I booted into recovery mode, and ran an update. At one point, apt said “there are unnecessary packages” and would I like to remove them? I figured that apt knew better than I did (after all, maybe a package dropped a dependency), so I said yes.

    It was after I noticed the very large number of packages that I suspected I messed up. Turns out, apt uninstalled the entire desktop environment, and network manager, so I had to boot into a USB drive with Network Manager installed, chroot into my main drive, and reinstall plasma. As a bonus, I think I missed the main group for the plasma desktop and only installed only most of it, so some of my extensions just didn’t work anymore.

  • The usefulness of ComfyUI is not just making one simple image. It is the ability to completely customize how that image is created.

    For example, I have a workflow that generates a half-resolution preview image, then upscales the latent and puts it through two more sampling nodes. All three of the nodes have a different prompt input, with the focus slowly shifting to style instead of content.

    I have also created a custom upscaling workflow, where the image is upscaled with normal upscaling, then re-encoded and put through just a few sampling steps, the re-encoded with a tiled VAE decoder (to save my VRAM). It creates much better results (more detail and control) than a direct ERSGAN upscale, and can even be put through ERSGAN afterward to get a super large image.