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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Another BS analysis. Facts don’t like the feelings of these reporters.

    One of the tunnel rooms had a recent air conditioning installation deep under ground.

    International media coverage has been trash and doesn’t even bother anymore.

    After the Shifa hospital director bold faced lied about the generator configuration why should anyone take their denials seriously. The IDF left 300L of fuel for them to run their (N) ICU which according to openly published research on their hospital would run their two generators for over a day. The currently under arrest director claimed it would barely last 30 minutes. There’s another hospital director now on record about the hospitals being used for torture and command centers. There’s also security footage of hostages being brought back to Shifa. Several hostages’ bodies were recovered from the Shifa complex area.

    Not to mention it’s been a fact Shifa was used like this for going on 10 years if not longer. Western media only pays attention when there’s Qatari ad money floating around.

    https://www.timesofisrael.com/gaza-hospital-director-admits-hamas-used-medical-complex-as-operational-hub/ here’s it on a record that international news media doesn’t even bother to watch before publishing libelous bull shit to get literal slave state Ad dollars.

  • Two five star hotels isn’t something you find in a prison.


    Also 70% of jews in Israel, half the population are native jews not Europeans of any kind.

    Of the 20% Arab population, as many that live in Gaza, 70% identify with Israel over Palestine. A historic high that increased after weeks of war. Calling them colonizers is inaccurate and insulting levels of racism.

    The life expectancy in Gaza was actually 75 years, whatever 40 number you saw is misinformation. They had an average amount of hospitals and medical clinics per capita. There’s a lot of kids because people have a lot of kids. Why the population has ballooned.

    They also managed to get phones and other resources in. Almost like it wasn’t really a full blockade. Lots would go to work in Israel before the latest war.