• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Yeah, I keep in touch. I experienced some deprivation as a kid, so as an adult, I pursue interests with glee. Maybe even to my detriment, but overall I think it’s a positive thing to rush toward interesting things.

    The flip side is, really draining sometimes, and I push it away in favour of gratification. Could also be a sign of an imbalance in life, if recovering from work-based responsibility doesn’t happen well enough, and it intereferes with personal life responsibilites.

  • I guess when I ran into Aesop Rock, and got absolutely infatuated? I don’t do a lot of rap, so his stuff hitting so damn hard was a surprise.

    I remember a few of the other times. Mostly it has taken the right moment, the right mindset and the right artist. A dark autumn evening and a walk in a park for Dark Sanctuary, falling asleep to SunnO))) and waking up to it was a mindblowing experience.

    Carpenter Bruts album Trilogy opened up electronic music for me, and Crypt of the Necrodancers soundtrack cemented it.

  • This seems to be the case yeah. The rhetoric of the left is preaching acceptance and solidarity, but in an uncertain world “feelgood rhetoric” isn’t strong enough. The right are preaching what appear to be solutions (close borders, nationalism, tax cuts to income and gas, segregation and defunding social programs to adress debt) so people buy into it.

    What they don’t realise is that the tax cuts hurt the debt cutting messures and eroiding social security hurts nations and paves way for more insecurity, hate and fear (which fuels the right wing machine).

    There’s precious little education on politics and choices for 20-somethings, and people are left to try and understand what the media pushes out. Finland benefits from a trusted national news media, though they have been criticized by the right of being politically biased and not worth their budget. So people slanting toward the right tend to be sceptical of it, and are pushed away, toward other news sources.

  • Tinder is very superficial and a hard platform to find people on. The gender ratio is very skewed and it turns against itself, since the competition for attention is so hard. This benefits the app though, since it makes peopel waste money on superlikes and whatnot - so they won’t ever try to fix it.

    You definitely aren’t too old to date around and have fun meeting people. Mingling around in real life might be easier, since you don’t have to rely on a single picture and a few lines of text to impress someone.

  • Tst as an org around the time they started trying to erect Baphomet statues, satanism as a young fella working out existential questions and being interested in philosophy, literature and the occult. I dont’t practise or follow any tenents aside from those that arise from my own morality, but I do appreciate the counter-movement against christo-fascism.

  • Depends on how progressive you want to go, as when you are bordering on noise, ambient and other fringe genres, there are lots of bands with little fame.

    I have a single album from “Lento” that is pretty cool. Post-rock, powt hardcore, post metal kinds stuff.

    Nero Di Marte is on the more extreme side, but flirts with prog.

    Oranssi Pazuzu is prog and black metal together. Weird stuff, but good.

    And a long time favourite: Circle. Lots of different kinds of albums, most pretty great. Awesome if you can catch them live.

    Edit. More stuff and typos

    There’s this noiserock/prog group called Fushitsusha. The songs are long, winding and sometimes grinding romps. They have some traditional Japanese elements mixed in as well.

    If you don’t know about Mono, go have a listen. Especiall Hymn to the Immortal Wind. Stuff brings tears to my eyes.