Are you capable of feeling guilt or remorse? If so you are probably not a psychopath. If not you might have some traits. In any case you might want to see a professional.
Also autism is often mistaken for some degree of psychopathy. As an autist I have personal experience with this.
6133 hours of futurama. That’s like 50 minutes or ~2 episodes every day for 20 years. And that’s just for 100 times for each episode. Nice.
Indeed it is. One can almost go as far as to name it one of the original true yeeting machines. A mighty wonder to behold!
Surely you mean to say yeet, good sir?
Genetics and drugs
Sorry about that. Changed the text.
Destroy it with fire! /s
I guess technically ww1 wasn’t even over.
10 minutes ago. I cry a lot there days. I used to never cry though.
Growing up with limited capabilities (e.g. sh or ksh on headless SunOS/Solaris and AIX servers) and a lot of room for failure is what did it for me. I learned to think before typing, break things and fix them again. I still learn that way and I find that life without crutches and with lots of tinkering improves my understanding of how most things work and makes me more efficient in the long run.
Also man pages.
Those were the days!
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That’s irrelevant. The comment was about the choice of words. It’s simply false to say the mice sacrificed themselves. If anything they were sacrificed by us humans.