If you work is not at least giving you coffee you need to start mailing the CEO pictures of Luigi. Amphetamines and coke would be a nice perk too while we’re at it.
If you work is not at least giving you coffee you need to start mailing the CEO pictures of Luigi. Amphetamines and coke would be a nice perk too while we’re at it.
it will be relatively easy to strip off
How so? If it’s anything like llm text based “water marks” the watermark is an integral part of the output. For an llm it’s about downrating certain words in the output, I’m guessing for photos you could do the same with certain colors, so if this variation of teal shows up more than this variation then it’s made by ai.
I guess the difference with images is that since you’re not doing the “guess the next word” aspect and feeding the output from the previous step into the next one, you can’t generate the red green list from the previous output.
Republicans were at -3 pre 2016 and they’ve ratcheting up to -10 pretty quickly. If you have a good charismatic leader that the base falls for you can drag the rest of the party along to the edges of the Overton window pretty quickly.
It looks like a lot of these are people mostly on YouTube so they will be passively listening to whatever auto-play picks for them next.
The main audience for these isn’t the boomer conservative listening to talk radio on his way home from work. These are younger men listening to it in the background while they play video games. Hell they have asmongold on here and from what I can remember he was just a WoW streamer a couple years ago.
According to the department of homeland security he “led activities aligned to Hamas, a designated terrorist organization” which isn’t a charge, and also encompasses any activism for Palestinians. Hamas wants doctors in gaza to heal people, so I guess ICE can now dissappear anyone working for doctors without borders.
She signed a separate letter that was less scathing and left out criticism of Israel.
a lot of them
3 signed that separate letter, AOC, a state assembly member and a ny city council member, probably because it left out criticism of Israel and they’re in New York, not because it was put out quickly.
The article mentions others like AOC who have separetely called out this blatant violation of free speech, but the point still stands, the vast majority of democrats are silent on this and that is horrible.
Remember to write your congress person about this if you live in the u.s. I think this is a border line issue that if we make enough if a stink they’ll join the banwagon.
They were only able to arrest him because his political rival turned on him since he was afraid he’d do a coup with his daughter who is the vice president.
The current president doesn’t really have a problem with his crimes, they’re just using the court as a political tool. Duerte should definitely be in jail though, so i guess justice is served, in a corrupt political fashion …
So I guess best we can hope for is for someone equally or more corrupt then netanyahu takes over and sends him to the ICC to eliminate his competition. Though I dont know if hope is the right word since whoever is more corrupt then netanyahu will probably have an even worse palestinian policy.
Along with the other things people have mentioned ponzi schemes don’t have a backstop . If a ponz scheme becomes insolvent the scheme falls apart. Despite all the doom republicans like to push on social security insolvency, if it happens it’ll just get taken out of the general fund. It’ll be hell on budget deficits for a while until congress gets its shit together and raises the income cap and solves this but people will still be getting paid.
Isn’t this guy also really into crypto…
Mind sharing a source. Latest stories i see is ukraine falling back in kursk and general russian advances on the main front
If you don’t think this would’ve happened under Harris, I’ve got a great opportunity for you to make some money on crypto.
There’s a study showing about 1 in 6 people have it to some degree, so relatively common. It’s just that the images that trigger it are specific and rare, for me the clustering and the type of holes have to be just right, but if it is, ick
The way I learned about it was someone posted a picture specifically meant to trigger it on 4chan to troll people, and it haunted me enough to look into it.
It seems to be a bit of both. The article does cite a lot of comments agreeing with what the older relatives said and getting a bunch of likes. So some people are laughing at how horrible and racist it is, but some are laughing at the unapologetically saying what we’re all thinking aspect.
A lot of racist jokes are just people saying their biases out loud and unapologetically, and then the racists laugh because they agree, and they get to affirm those beliefs. You might get some people on the other side laughing at the absurdity, but for the people of the race being made fun of, it just feels like the attack it is. Especially when the subject is serious and you can’t distance yourself from it, and nothing is more serious than genocide.
Like if you showed these to a Palestinian child they’d probably become depressed and scared by it. If you showed these to a boomer israeli they would probably laugh at it and say they’re right.
That’s trypophobia . Don’t Google it though, might come up with a lot of triggering pictures.
Cool now that we’re not optimizing for the cheapest goods and services possible can we raise the minimum wage
Trump: …
Pass the pro act and expand unions to raise wages
Trump: …
Raise working and regulatory standards
Trump: …
Stop using the cheapest most environmentally harmful energy sources
Trump: …
So if they lose “the bad guys” (russia, china and the u.s.) are going to team up and take over Europe? Does Russia get it all or do they split it with the americans? Does China get a slice?
Japan didn’t team up with Germany because of China, they did it in opposition to the soviets, Germany didn’t care about China, because it’s on the opposite side of the world. Just like China doesn’t care about Europe and ukraine. Yeah they’ll sell russia weapons and tech but they aren’t giving it out as aid.
The u.s. is not allied with russia and doesn’t hate nato as much as them. One wing of the political class wants more defense spending from allied countries. Trump hasn’t shown any intention of leaving nato, much less switching sides and joining russia against them. Even if he wanted to he’d be bumping against a defense establishment that has made nato the core of there strategy for the past half century.
The u.s. is still sending weapons to ukraine as military aid. Even if trump got his way we’d still be sending weapons, it’s just the Ukrainians would have to buy them, putting the u.s. in the same position to ukraine as China is to russia. So if China is supporting russia in that case, then the u.s. would still be supporting ukraine.
Peace between the great powers is the norm in the nuclear age. This combined with globalization makes it so going to war between powers more trouble than it’s worth.
You seem to view international politics as an axis of evil bad guys and an alliance of good guys keeping them in check. That was really only somewhat the case in ww2. International politics is about a set of powers, each with there own spheres of influence and varied and at times conflicting interests trying to pursue those interests.
The u.s. has no interest in helping russia conquer europe, neither does China. Both have a major interest in keeping russia weak and keeping the European economy functional as they are a large trading partner.
So you think sending people back into a warzone they tried to escape because they didnt want to go to war is a bad thing, so then the policy of not allowing men to leave is also bad, or that even desertion is valid. If you think this comparison is invalid or that the people who escaped early have more of a right to leave then the people trying to escape now please explain. Otherwise by your own definition what ukraine is doing is cruel, it can be cruelty in support of a grand cause, but it’s still cruel.
I agree conscription is the reason ukraine is able to stay in this war. I disagree that them losing will mean russia will march on nato and cause ww3. Even if we take nukes out of the picture, Russia can barely beat the literal poorest country in Europe, how are they going to take on the rest of europe. Even if the u.s. doesnt help, the EU has 3 times the population of russia and 10 times the gdp. Putin knows this and isn’t going to try, he may go for the Baltics in 10 years after his military has recovered, but there’s no way he’s making it passed the bug river in the forseeable future.
Either way back to the main point, if you think the stakes are so high and that Ukrainian bodies are the only thing defending civilization from barbarism, wouldn’t you want more of those bodies in Ukraine? Wouldn’t this order help the cause of preventing ww3?
He’s term limited, so he can’t run in the 2026 gubernatorial election. I guess he thinks the next step is the presidency so he’s taking the buddy up to the conservatives strategy that worked so well for Harris…