Unit 731 is the truly horrible source of a lot of modern medical knowledge
Unit 731 is the truly horrible source of a lot of modern medical knowledge
Wow that’s like how to get disappeared 101.
Well he’s just an unelected advisor so he can’t call for shit
Stuck in your bunk, you’re sunk Can’t turn up the right waaaay
Do you not have the ability to take a vote of no confidence in the US? Or are you.just stuck with it for 4 years and he can do whatever?
We need to start a trump lettuce stream!
It’s in my fed
68.1% of US citizens are bloody idiots.
One Fish, Two Fish, Blow Fish, Blue Fish. This one was on a vcr that I watched a lot as a kid. It’s about Homer demanding to eat dangerous blow fish and then thinks he’s going to die.
The scene is Bart and Lisa at the karaoke which is in the Japanese restaurant and they’re singing Shaft to a bunch of Japanese businessmen who are all into it.
There’s also a really good rendition of Gypsies Tramps and Thieves iirc
Well that is just fucking amazing
“I’m not dead! Stop this thing! What’s going on?! AAAAAHHHH!”
Why is musk standing like his feet are afraid of each other? He looks like a proper ninny.
Hey look, the cancer is dying of itself…
I will never forget my fil happily telling the family he saw some great tits in the garden that morning.
A good laugh was had
What’s not covered is the 25 years of R&D in advance of waterfall project starting, or that it’s delivered 200% over time and cost due to those requirements being insufficient and based on assumptions that were never or are no longer true.
That little thing looks like they had a good fuckin’ sleep. I think it’s official. 24,000 years is the correct amount of sleep to be getting.
I doubt it has anything to do with him. My comment was in reference to the context of the post, whereby medical experimentation on humans is being regarded as progress and being held back by ethics.