They recorded a commentary track in character for the entire movie when they released the DVD and that was excellent. I hope this is as good.
They recorded a commentary track in character for the entire movie when they released the DVD and that was excellent. I hope this is as good.
Nope, this hurts tons of people in the alcohol industry. Im working class and this will kill my job at a wine importer.
Wine hasn’t been a rich person’s thing for a while now.
You mean like upgrading the US electrical grid like GWB proposed?
No, it was a Chinese subcontractor using Chinese labor.
The central party stops financing outside accounts in 1967 which begins a decline in the USSR’s ability to purchase necessary goods that are not made within the Warsaw pact didn’t help.
The Afghan war and the drop in the price of oil are also substantial factors in the decline.
There was a construction company BYD contracted out of China to bring Chinese workers to construct a factory in Brazil. It was shut down by Brazilian labor authorities for “slavery like” conditions and treatment if the Chinese workers.
That seems to be source for that claim.
Treason requires working on behalf of an enemy nation. By every indication RFKJr is just another wealthy spoiled dumbfuck. There’s nothing that suggests his idiocy was designed to benefit a foreign power.
He needs to be sued into the ground for his actions in office.
We really shouldn’t be glorifying anyone’s family to the extent America did with the Kennedys. Many of them are and were worthless shitsacks. Of the dozen or so I have met only Teddy and Joe were impressive and Teddy’s dead.
It got a demented narcissist who has gone mask off with his fascism.
Their last union negotiation was not particularly good or fair.
Not all mmo’s are pressing boxes for combat skills. There are a bunch that are more action oriented like Fallout 76.
Good Lore doesn’t necessarily make for good games
I haven’t been a buyer for eight years now but this was a perpetual issue in parts of the country. I was blown away when I found out it was a bargain brand as in Boston where I first tried Bulleit it was more expensive than Evan William’s vintage release (RIP). I just thought they were chasing JD in that whole image driven brand rather than good quality to price ratio
No it was $9 more at wholesale in NY than in retail in KY. It was almost twice the price on my shelf than yours in FL
Jack and Ginger ale is such an incredibly common drink for lesbians in NYC that I have managed to convince two lesbian cashiers I have worked with to successfully pursue women they were interested in because they bought JD from us while holding ginger ale.
Nothing about the Lincoln County process violates the definition
Sour mash vs sweet mash have to do with how you make your whiskey. It isn’t a designation for bourbon styled whiskies made outside KY.
No, Bourbon can be made anywhere in the USA.
Go look up the legal definition.
Depending on your local brand it might be supporting a bigger company anyways. Dickel is filling a ton of “local” producer’s offerings.
Yup, my sales team is freaking out as many are older and losing a job in your sixties is very bad.