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Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • When i was a kid, a mexican restaurant chain shut down after a bunch of people got sick/died of hepatitis A in my city.

    The day they reopened, it was highly publicized on the local news, and my family went there to eat… i asked my dad if he was concerned about getting sick. He stopped, looked me in the eye, and told me with the upmost confidence “i guarantee you that this will be the cleanest restaurant meal you will ever have in your life”…

    i feel a similar concept applies to this situation… with all the eyes on the 737 max8, there is no way management is going to sell one if it has outstanding flaws/safety issues.

  • Totally agree with the local elections! When i was young, i used to skip these elections, but i vote in every single one of them now. Hell, im also the nerd who spends free time attending council meetings & stuff to voice my opinions!

    It really does make a difference voting in these local elections! Even things you might not see as useful (school board was always that way for me) have significant ramifications on day to day life. Ive seen it first hand.

    With that said, i have a bone to pick regarding the presidential primaries. Sure there are 10 candidates for (some) voters, but many voters get effectively excluded from the process entirely. My state is fairly late in the primary process and almost never actually gets a choice. People always say “just vote in the primaries if you dont want the geriatric moderate”, but that is all that is left on the ballot. The last presidential primary for example, while biden hadnt technically won the primary yet, he was the only name on the ballot as all the other candidates had dropped out. Real fucking awesome selection i had… Id like to be enlightened where my choice was. From my perspective, it looks like it was decided before i even got the chance to vote. its a super fucked up system that im very bitter about.

  • My city’s DPW recently performed 2 traffic studies as part of their pedestrian plan.

    One was driver yield rates at unsignalized crosswalks. The results of this study indicated that of the 825 yielding oppurtunities observed, drivers yielded only 173 times (aka, 79% of drivers failed to yield in violation of state law).

    The other was a speed study. Of the 35 observed roads, all 35 had a measured median speed that exceeded the speed limit. 34 of the 35 had measured average speeds that exceeded the speed limit…

    Based on these findings, An overwhelming majority of drivers fail to abide by basic traffic laws. I would argue that breaking basic traffic laws makes one a terrible driver, so yes. A large majority (like 79%) are terrible.