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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • Soleos@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGot Played
    15 days ago

    When you mature as a human being, whatever age that may be, you develop kindness through a willingness to understand and empathize with perspectives that conflict with your own. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to accept it for yourself. For many people, clothing is not simply a means of pragmatic function. It’s also a source of self-expression, joy, and beauty. Now for me, $600 for a pair of sneakers is exorbitant and ridiculous no matter who designed it. But it’s not a product for me. And if someone with the means feels great buying and wearing them, I don’t see the harm. I don’t usually pay more than I have to for footwear, but I would pay a premium for certain kitchen tools I use all the time if I like the design, enjoy looking at it, and feel good using it. What I do sympathize with and would like to see reduced in harm is the consumerist culture that pressures people with less means into feeling like they have to have such things for fulfillment.

  • Soleos@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    The comic is not implying that every single time a woman says no to man, that man will do something bad. It is saying that often when a woman wants to say no to a man, they have to do an internal calculation to answer questions like “Can I trust this man to respond okay to a No? How likely will they say something rude, or escalate to harassment? What do I do if he gets physically persistent? Is he going to get pissed off if I say no and come after me when I leave?”

    Usually the answer is “he’s probably fine”, but women do have to go through the calculation much more than men typically. And that’s kinda fucked up.

    The comic is saying “just say no” ignores/dismisses the non-negligible risk of just saying no.

  • Soleos@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    Yeah, fuck the media. Instead, you should try talking to the women close to you about their experiences turning men down. Some might have no issues and think nothing of it, some might have good reason to be calculating. Don’t take it from me.

  • People get butthurt over things others do that don’t affect them all the time.

    People also get buttgurt over things others do that indirectly affect them or violate their ethical principles.

    Sometimes it’s hard to tell them apart and sometimes there’s a bit of overlap when worldviews conflict.

    We live in a society.

  • Soleos@lemmy.worldtoGaming@lemmy.worldThen vs Now
    5 months ago

    AAA games are turning into luxury/super cars. At the top end, they’re just not made for average consumers anymore where you need money for infrastructure to even drive the thing. But then you also have plenty of Indie/AA studios creating games that surpass AAA from 10-15 years ago with much smaller teams cause tools and skills make it feasible. Of course there’s also the starcrafts and the counterstrikes that are over 20 years old and will never die, the Toyota Camrys and Honda Civics of games, they just get perpetually refreshed