Systems Engineer and Configuration
Management Analyst.

Postgrad degree is in computer science/cybersecurity, but my undergraduate is in archaeology. Someday, maybe, I’ll merge the two fields professionally!

I love true science fiction, as well as all things aviation, outer space, and NASA-related.

Lastly, Calvin and Hobbes is the best comic strip of all time!

Glad to be here trying out kbin and the fediverse.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • I don’t thinks that’s accurate, Kbin has only co-existed for a few Lemmy versions. I’ve been on Kbin before the initial wave of new users, when the site had about 200 users, federation was fine. You may be thinking of when federation was deliberately broken by Ernest with the entire fediverse for about a week when he had to enable Cloudflare DDOS protection during the first surge of signups.

    The specific issue here was highlighted by a Kbin user several days ago. They monitored the traffic back and forth and saw that inbound Kbin-bot requests were denied by after the latest upgrade. At the time of that post, did not have the issues and it had not upgraded yet. I’m not sure if that issue has since been fixed in the code or not.

  • Right there with ya! GameCube has always been my favorite. It also has the best iterations of Kart and Smash imo. I’ve recently been acquiring more GBA games to play on the adapter which is a fun time.

    A tip for anyone who has the DOL-001 version with the digital output: you can easily get and adapter to HDMI, and there’s a company that now makes a USB-drive sized signal processor that does some upscaling and anti-aliasing. I’m now able to play on my 4k TV with a 1080p signal. Anyone feel free to DM me for the details!

    I’m not saying a big old CRT isn’t still the best experience, but this lets me play on my main TV which is great for party games.

  • Just a note,

    It was shown a lot of the recent threadiverse federation issues were/are being caused by Lemmy. Major Lemmy instances were/are intentionally or unintentionally (due to a bug in their platform), blocking inbound federation traffic from Kbin and Lotide. While allowing their own outbound to go through.

    The jury is still out on if it was an oversight/issue with their latest release, or something more nefarious on the part of the devs with regards to competition.

  • +1!

    Newer uses of the fediverse also don’t realise yet that Lemmy is older then Kbin, years older. Kbin has only really publically existed for a couple months.

    I was here before any surge when there were about 200 users and Ernest followed everyone MySpace Tom style. It’s damn impressive how the site held up even when he had to introduce cloudflare protection temporarily. It was slow, but never crashed completely.

    Some Lemmy instances did go down for a bit, even the bigger ones that didn’t had more synchronising issues then Kbin. I’m not trying to knock Lemmy by any means, but I think this goes to show that Kbin is alright if at a few months old, it can keep up with software that’s been around for several years at this point.

  • Right but Kbin doesn’t defederate with many if anyone right now. You can also block entire instances as an individual user so defederation is less important in Kbin.

    Are you talking about Lemmy for that testing? On Kbin I regularly see communities with no Kbin users subbed, just a large amount of upvotes. The algorithm for “hot” content on the all feed works much better on Kbin right now. Subbing to an any community is easy on Kbin. You just open it via a link and tap the menu to bring up controls for the magazine/community.

  • Yes….on a technical level. But the picture is bigger than that. Personally, I have a hunch that the choice of Rust is making Lemmy’s development slower. This seemed to be evidenced by the fact that Kbin has more functionality than Lemmy while having only been around for 2 months. Vs Lemmy’s 4 years. The Kbin dev has also been much more able to fix things on the fly during the surge in users. Whereas Lemmy will supposedly move off websocket use any day now.

    Adoptability isn’t something to be discounted. The fact that there any more people out there familiar with PHP may give Kbin an edge over time. And let’s be honest, in real-world test PHP can very often be faster then - less-than-mature-Rust codebase.

  • I think it’s a fair point. They won’t be able to remain federated to many instances if their point of contention is open-enrollment.

    I understand needing the Lemmy moderation tools to improve and that it’s temporary, but the damage to their own communities and users may not be temporary.

    Their users will turn inward and end up preferring their own communities—which is fine. However it also means that non-beehaw users will shy away from those communities in favour of others, lest their home site get de-federated at some point for the same reasons. These effects combined means slow-to-grow, low-visibility communities in the fediverse, and increases the chance that their communities may dwindle if others of the same subject become pre-eminent outside of Beehaw.

    In short, while I understand their reasons, I think that it risks making permanently insular and ultimately much more similar to a non-fediverse website.