• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Stampela@startrek.websitetoRisa@startrek.websiteAn important reminder
    28 days ago

    It’s a bit of a general issue. The police in itself is good, however… it’s a job that puts people into a position of power. Power corrupts, and if you factor in that they’re not well paid (because tanks and so on are better ways to spend a budget…) but are supposed to put their lives on the line, then get treated either like the enemy or the “thin blue line” I see how things can go bad. Being a public service, they’re managed by the government and sent to deal with trouble accordingly, and the definition of trouble varies with whoever is at the top. Sprinkle in some dangerous levels of nationalism, the US being a super power and you most certainly get to hear about their unrest, while the stuff going on in your own country might be less flashy.

    A small trivia bit that you might or might not know: at the beginning there was this organization that was created to protect the people from abuses by local lords. Everyone knows what an unholy shitfest that got corrupted into, given that I’m talking about the mafia…

  • If I could give you a screenshot in time of what was the comments and reviews situation when I looked at it, it was a fairly surprising half of them specifically mentioning not wanting a Sony account, then 1/4 understandably not happy with the new requirement, and the remaining 1/4 either angry about it or straight up living in an unsupported country. Is it possible I got the exact moment where that group was most vocal? Honestly it could be, you’re not wrong after all. Regardless of everything, I’m glad I managed to get at least you to understand what I meant! Thanks for keeping an open mind.

  • Yeah, it’s clear that my message was not easy to parse. Anyway, starting from the moment I found this meme: I looked into what’s going on with Sony accounts, discover a mix of poor choices (adding back a requirement that wasn’t really ever there), awful planning (making the game available where it technically wasn’t supposed to be supported), and the always-annoying need for an extra account. Overall, it’s not a pretty picture. However, when considering valid reasons for complaint, the main issue causing controversy seems the fact that it’s a Sony account, with plenty of comments and review bombing the game for reasons such as “I’m not making a Sony account!” rather than focusing on more sensible reasons like the sudden change or the effect it would have on part of the player base due to regional availability. I too dislike extra account requirement. However, it seems blown out of proportion if that’s the main focus of so many complaints. It’s worth noting that nowhere in the meme above there’s any hints of the other problems. Hopefully this conveys my thoughts better as I’ve even got ChatGPT to review it for clarity. As a side note, this took way too long, so if there’s still confusion… I’m probably just going to bow out of the conversation.