The comment thread for the nypost is vile. So many crazies blinded by Muskrat and the Donald.
The comment thread for the nypost is vile. So many crazies blinded by Muskrat and the Donald.
It was never about Fentanyl for Canada. Such a red herring. Donny boy is such a liar . It was his way to try and get around the free trade agreement which he signed and said was the best free trade agreement. No country should ever trust the US again.
Never trust anything Trump says or signs. He signed a free trade treaty with Canada and now is putting tariffs on Canadian goods. He’s a lying scumbag and so is the little dweeb Vance.
We are doing that in every province in Canada. Screw the US. They are treating us in Canada like enemies. Now they are treating the EU the same way . Isolate the US.
Why is anybody listening to that little Muskrat? Guy needs to be put in a rocket and shipped to Mars so we dont have to listen to his manic rantings. I feel sorry for his 12 kids .
I think they need to brain screen their politicians . Most have lost there brains led by Abbot.
As a Canadian you can’t trust anything coming out of the Musk /Trump White House. Us in Canada no longer consider them friends.
I am not sure the way Amsterdam law sees it but in a lot of countries if shes paying some of the mortgage and she lives there for a certain length of time she becomes part owner of said condo. Best to get legal advice as if you break up you may be forced to sell and split part of the sale.
Trump signs deals and then just ignores them when he sees fit. He lies about everything. Look at what he is trying to do to Canada who he has a free trade deal with that he signed and said was the best deal ever. Guy is a liar.
Hey if an old guy like me can figure it out its not hard .
How do Trumps press secretaries say stuff with a straight face. Last time was the same. Trump spews nonsense and she smiles and repeats it.
Thank goodness. The thought of PP becoming PM was giving me nightmares.
Good. Hope all Trump appointments are booed and heckled
Trump has gone even more bonkers today. More tariffs on Canada and threatening our country.