She/Her || Interests: Tabletop RPGs, Fantasy/Sci-Fi, painting miniatures

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Wow if there’s one thing I really want to pay extra for is to have a computer randomly pick my music based off what I like. That’s way better than what Spotify has already been doing: randomly picking music based off what I like! True innovation. Will the service also come with some sort of slider or bar that I can use to change how loud or quiet a song is? Maybe some other buttons that can let me skip or go back to a song, even pause and play it to my liking?

  • Significantly easier college admissions (despite using a standardized process), extremely generous business loans, proportional ethnic representation in government, vast infrastructure projects to bridge the salary gap, and celebrations of different cultures across the country. Not very capitalist of them

    Sorry OP but basically none of this has anything to do with not being capitalist. I don’t even doubt that China is doing better in those departments than America, but that has more to do with how utterly shit America is at most things outside of building bombs than how communist China is. They should get some kudos for executing a couple billionaires, though, gotta at least give 'em that.

  • While hurtful and not cool to tell somebody. Im sure a million a people think similar things about a co-worker everyday.

    Thinking it and saying it are two separate things. One is just the day to day frustrations of working with other human beings, the other is contributing to a toxic work environment that just so happens to target a woman in a boy’s club of a company within a boy’s club of an industry.

    I kindly ask you to read things fully. Even disregarding how dismissive you are for victims of a terrible workplace like this, she specifically mentions how this toxicity messed with her visa status. “Just leave bro” is almost never a worthwhile sentiment tbh

    Is this really news?

    A popular tech YouTube company is outed as an abusive work environment that does nothing about sexual harassment some employees face. There’s news reported about far more insignificant shit, I think we can consider this newsworthy.

  • This is veering really close to the “creatives have been gatekeeping art and AI will ‘democratize’ it” bullshit

    Ugh, that BS makes me want to blow up my own head with mind powers. Anyone can learn how to make art! It is not ‘democratizing’ art to make a computer do it and then take credit for the keywords you fed it! Puke worthy stuff, I appreciate you speaking out against that crap far better than I ever could. There’s enough of that BS on Reddit, can’t we just it leave it there?

  • America has been an empire. It is an empire. That fact does not change just because the far right want to destroy this country and turn it into a fascist theocracy. That is entirely separate from how much “good” or “bad” the country can theoretically do, the two are entirely unrelated. You are trying to determine if a piranha is a fish by seeing if it can play free form jazz. There is no connection between something being an empire and something having the potential to be better down the road.

    This country was built off of a genocide of Native Americans and then literally built off the backs of enslaved Africans treated worse than animals in lifelong captivity. For hundreds of years. Any discomfort you get from recognizing the US is an empire is a good starting point to grappling with this truth: America is an empire, it did and STILL does terrible things to maintain that status, and it’s not any more special than any other empire with a similarly awful history just because of some notion of American exceptionalism. Recognizing this stuff is honestly step 1, probably even step 0, to putting this country on the right path that you and me are hoping for!!

    Right now you are doing the equivalent of when someone asks “What’s with all this talk about racism lately? If we all just stopped talking about it and worrying about it, racism will disappear!” A fact does not go away just because we are uncomfortable with confronting it. The US WAS built on white supremacist genocide. It CAN get better. These two statements are not incompatible. What IS incompatible is wishing for it to get better while whitewashing and softening what has made it awful so far while saying people who have harsh criticisms of this country are basically playing the useful idiot for fascists. You would not afford this ‘nuance’ and sympathy for any other nation with America’s history.

    Only one side of the political spectrum recognizes this country as an unfortunately successful genocidal imperial state, and it is DEFINITELY not the right wing. In fact, they (right wingers) are the only ones trying to downplay and soften the state’s past atrocities while claiming people who point out said atrocities are ‘CRT-brainwashed liberal pinkos’ that are bringing this country down. I kindly, strongly urge you to seriously think about what I’ve said in this discussion, as I think it’s clear you are not some bad guy that wants to wish away America’s horrors, but I think you are accidentally becoming the same useful fool for the right wing that you worry about. Best case scenario, you still come off as whitewashing imperialist empires, just only when it’s from a country you favor.

    Anyways, I don’t think I have anything else to add in this discussion and I’m not really interested in a lengthier discussion on whether the US is an empire or not, so I’m dipping out here. Hope you have a good day!